
That's what I'm afraid of.
And, alas, there will be no Genesis Effect.

Ahhh…makes perfect sense (except for the "every 9 years" part). As a life-long Trekkie, I should have thought of that.
I bow to you, Sir.

Is it just me or is Martha looking vaguely Vulcan?
Last week, during her dinner with Agent Aderholt, it was a lingering full frontal face view and I found myself wondering "Have those eyebrows always been so winged and pronounced?" Tonight I kept thinking that with just a little tweaking and some pointy ear-tips she

I'd forgotten about those two!
Good riddance to bad rubbish.

He was also "Opie" on Sons of Anarchy, and one of the best things about that show

Cute, though…wasn't it?
I enjoy getting our weekly dose of cuteness, actually sweetness, from Dylemma.

Highmores's so good, and we're so attuned to him that we could feel it (Norma/n) coming before he even turned around.
I was fooled by Norma's visit, too…to the point I was even disappointed in her when she suggested Norman tell the doc what he wants to hear so he could come home soon. I thought "Oh, no! I thought

I don't recall what exact incident it might've represented, either. We've seen him get roughed up more than once. Maybe having several is just supposed to illustrate the hard life he's lived up until now.

When Dylan started showing Emma his scars I thought, "All he needs is a tattoo of the 'Indianapolis'"…because of course my mind leapt to that unforgettable night-time scene on the (not-big-enough) Orca when Quint and Hooper compared scars. So, I was delighted when Dylan started doing an adorably inept impersonation of

I had the exact same thought.
The fact that Angel had only five seasons is a travesty and an abomination. As you probably know, Joss Whedon et al were planning on a sixth, especially as the ratings were good. But a new exec and network politics ruined that. So they tried to wrap up the storylines (showing the fans

But then again, couldn't Eve/Renard have just said she/he had a headache?

Eve/Renard's chagrined "This never happened before" was definitely amusing. But I couldn't help wondering "how does she know it never happened before?". I mean, Renard is virile and hunky (that chest!), but it could happen to any guy at any time for various reasons. And on the off-chance it could've happened before,

Maybe that's an improvement (?!) over some of the other men.
I have to admit, I kind of like that long braid down his back, but otherwise….nope.

Agreed (good analogy), and with a little Casanova thrown in.

I know! Between last week and this week, I think he's had the whole village. I keep wondering "What does Harbard have that other men don't?" I know he's magical and mystical, possibly supernatural…but damn.

That was so beautiful, poignant and memorable. I had a friend, who's never watched the show, watch that one scene…and even she was moved by it.

I would, in the immortal words of Monty Python, "Run away! Run away!"
Like the wind.

Welp…I said last week I was ready for Yidu to make an exit, and I didn't really care how. But Jumpin' Jehosaphat, that wasn't remotely what I had in mind.

Boy, do they ever.
Did you (or anyone) happen to see "Nova" on PBS this week? It followed an archaeologist's efforts to use satellite imaging to locate Viking settlements. It had a lot of interesting info on the Vikings as slavers, farmers, raiders and explorers…including some recent finds. It's worth watching for

They turned Count Odo into Count Odious, which is a shame and unfair to the real historical person. But I have to say, regarding this highly fictionalized character we've been watching, he certainly got a taste of his own medicine…tit for tat…hoist on his own petard and then some. I just had to try not to think about