
Those expressions alarm me a little…they remind me too much of my neurotic step-mother.

Seriously? Don't make us be serious!

Same thoughts here, too. I've always been fascinated by medieval history and the ancient world. So, I'm always excited to see it bubble up in anything set in the modern world. Throw in a little Shakespeare in the epigram and I'm a happy lady.

I'm a straight woman, and um…any reason seems fair enough to me. Like if he was going to cross the street and he just felt a little warm.

Nope, you're not the only one.
And I used to think my old Uncle Charlie was crazy for just talking to his tv.
And I'm a life-long student of medieval history, so I plead guilty to doing more than just talking..I was a little shouty, too.

Three magical words in your comment made me smile.
1. Buffyverse.
2. Darla
3. Angel.
I made similar comments last season because I was getting excited about seeing Angel-esque moments and influences, which renewed my previously flagging interest in Grimm.
Any little reminder of or throwback to Angel is all it takes to

I wonder if the show will get that far into the story. You sound like a serious history buff, as am I. The history may be a little "looking through a glass darkly" here, but from what we do know about Ivar the Boneless, I'd be excited to see how they tell the tale.

Thanks for that info. Now I'm really looking forward to catching the rerun!

That would be a good strategy for the show, and an excellent storyline for us!

Would you believe my stupid TW cable went on the fritz during every Rollo/Gisla scene? I didn't get to see the wooing or the subsequent bouts of whoopee. I'll have to wait for the rerun next week to see Rollo reap the rewards of his efforts. But someone at least tell me…were those scenes done in all seriousness (and

And isn't that a depressing thought?
I know the history and what will logically occur. But on this show, with these characters, as written and acted…Bjorn is no Ragnar (not even after his testosterone-powered sojourn to find himself and prove his manhood). And nowhere near as interesting, either.

As someone who spent their childhood watching not only Disney movies but watching Mr. Disney host and introduce his weekly tv show, I always get the warm fuzzies of nostalgia when I think of him. Well, there went the warm fuzzies out the window! What a terrible story.
Oh, well…we can't really blame him for those

It affected me the same way.
Of course, I was also traumatized by Bambi…and Dumbo…101 Dalmatians…sheesh. And I might be by this one, too, when I watch it.

No, but I read something about the Essex and its fate (and it being Melville's inspiration for "Moby Dick ") years ago. I've always been aware of it…always been fascinated by tales of the sea (I guess that's reflected in my username), whether fictional or real. I remember as a kid reading about The Flying Dutchman and

That makes me want to read it for the third time (it's been years). Thanks for that info!

Perfect! Even better.
Much appreciated!

The reviewer mentioned that this week's epigram was from Melville, but I missed it. I'm a literature geek (read "Moby Dick" twice), so I'm curious about what line(s) they used. Can anyone fill me in? Did they use one of the lines famously used in "Star Trek, Wrath of Khan" (Okay, I'm also a Star Trek geek)?

Scurrying, peeking around doorways…

We think alike.

I don't normally type in all caps, but….