Ha! And a vital part of the job description.
Ha! And a vital part of the job description.
When the new monk was aghast at the thought of a woman being allowed to illuminate the sacred texts, I loved the way the bishop pointed out to him a woman touched and washed Christ's body to prepare Him for burial. It was a wonderful moment that illustrated the misogyny in religion down through the centuries, and…
Floki and Kwenthrith are our show's certifiable lunatics, but damned if Ragnar didn't have a downright deranged look in his eyes (while sentencing Floki)…and elsewhere, Judith had a slightly unbalanced look in her eyes…a little off-kilter.
I felt sympathetic toward her at first, but she's always annoying, and that gets old as much time as they've spent on her. What you're envisioning about her story makes sense. But if they're going to evolve her story like that, I hope they make her more likable. I don't think I'm the only one who groans a little every…
Jesus is just alright, oh yeah….
Oh, wait. That's the Doobie Brothers.
You're showing more tolerance for Enid than me. I'm usually more like that, but she just really annoys me. I think the fact that three times she wanted Glenn to stop and give her a philosophical pep-talk even though everyone else was in immediate danger got to me. She already did put people at risk.
It's been many…
Oh, I love Carl. We've all been watching him grow up for years now. But Enid's a different story (for me). I know teenagers can be difficult. But it seems like, in every tv show or film, there's a surly or downright hateful teenage girl. I didn't act like that when I was one, neither did my friends. Maybe it's more…
Exactly! A friend and I both fussed about Lori's long stringy hair from season 1 on, and how impractical it would be.
As for Enid, I kinda hate to say it but I wish she, her mopey surliness and her hair would just disappear. Enough already.
Oh, that's right. Still hot, though. Everyone else still sweaty. Still strange.
Did anyone else think about how bizarre Paul/Jesus's attire is? I've been deep down in Georgia in summer. Believe me, if you donned a long leather coat and knit hat and ran around, you'd pass out.
Rick and Daryl were pouring sweat (as usual). Paul/Jesus was dressed for cold weather but seemingly cool as a cucumber. …
Yes, the family dynamic had been there for a while…everything except consummating their relationship.
As my sainted grandmother would've said, "Its all over but the shoutin'". Tonight, they shouted.
When Rick and Michonne entertwined fingers I squealed (just a little). When they kissed I applauded. Then I got goosebumps, then I got teary-eyed. I wanted to high-five someone, but I was sitting here watching alone…just me and the cat. So I high-fived the cat.
I knew I kind of hoped they'd get together, but I didn't…
Certainly not!
Certainly not me, either!
That was the scene I had in mind. It was just so gosh-darn sweet.
Will would probably want to take some of the more canine-like wesen home with him, though.
Oh, snap!
And very true.
Awww, you softie you.
Maybe not so evil, afterall.
That would be definite cause for celebration at my house!
Those bastards not only killed Uncle Felix and the nice antique dealer, they made Monroe cry. That alone made me want to rip 'em up (and I'm a sweet little pacifist).
I enjoyed this episode more than the last few. Monroe was one of the main reasons, and I always love the little glimpses they give us of his and…
They take waaay too long between seasons on this show. I'd almost (but not quite) forgotten how much I enjoy it. And away we go.
Hail, Ragnar!
Hail, Travis!
Me, too. And I'll continue to worry
about them.
I read an article in Entertainment Weekly in which Andrew Lincoln and Lauren Cohan were talking about how upset they all were after reading the script for the season finale. Lincoln said he was late for work for the first time in 6 years because he couldn't sleep the…