Ha! I'm waiting for a flying carpet to come to someone's rescue in an upcoming episode.
But I guess I can't complain too much…I'm always relieved when one of our regulars is saved, by whatever means.
Ha! I'm waiting for a flying carpet to come to someone's rescue in an upcoming episode.
But I guess I can't complain too much…I'm always relieved when one of our regulars is saved, by whatever means.
As Eugene would say, "Correct".
Even more so as the show goes on.
Yes, the make-up and effects are well done and their own art form. And the series is based on comic books, I realize that. But that doesn't mean I have to like it, or not worry about how kids are becoming so desensitized to it. Just watched "World War Z"…drama, tension, suspense, the zombies were frightening, very…
Ahhh…like a new law of physics.
I still like the show (love the characters, hate the gore), but several things tonight were ridiculous. One thing that really bothered me was that this was the THIRD time in a short time period (a couple of hours, even though in 2 episodes) that mopey Enid wanted to stop and have a philosophical discussion during a…
Coral getting shot and Rick having to run to the infirmary carrying him was a bit of Deja Vu…remember when he got shot in season 2 and Rick ran to Hershel's farm carrying him?
I bet Coral felt a lot heavier this time, though. He was such a little kid when he got shot the first time. We're watching Chandler Riggs grow…
Poor Rick.
Another love bites the dust.
It really would, especially if Bud and Wu figured more prominently in the overall scheme of things.
It felt that way to me, too.
I like your reference to Monrosalee as being the heart and soul of the show. I always feel more connected to whatever's going on story-wise when they're around.
I have a Diamond Lake near me, too…here in Kentucky. I'd also love one of those shirts and would wear it with a smile (always loved the Creature from the Black Lagoon).
Monroe and Rosalee's enthusiastic reaction to seeing Trubel again was sweet. A group hug like that, with them, would be just the thing right now.
Me, too. But just wait till next week…a water-dwelling, lake-monster type case!
Sounds fun to me. Especially as I'm watching the "X-Files" reboot, and feeling nostalgic for their old monster-of-the-week cases.
Plus, her willingness to return to her new "home-base" (wherever that is ) and lock herself back up goes with that scenario. Just walked back into her cell and closed the door. Strange.
I'm a history buff, too…or really more of a life-long student of the ancient world, as you seem to be. I really perk up when such references are made in any show or film. And then I always wish more people were interested. Sometimes just one instance like this will spark someone's curiosity and they'll do some…
Even though it's mildly disconcerting, I'm getting a kick out of Rosalee's tough, intimidating side. She's like "the mouse that roared"…almost literally.
And I loved Monroe yelling "You fly-eating sonuvabitch!" Then after that smelly metamorphosis muttering "Lordy".
I could happily watch much more of those two.
Am I the only balletomane who got a little kick out of the Diaghilev reference?
Yes, it's as if Daisy has regressed…and it's aggravating.
As for Fellowes, it seems the downstairs characters were better written in previous seasons. Maybe he's just losing steam.
I love the show, but perhaps they're bringing it to a close at the right time.
I know! As a mother, I can fully relate to Scully's concern and emotion about William. But they really let us see into Mulder's heart.
Mulder being an affectionate daddy, kissing his son while watching TV with him…
Mulder quoting JFK to his son…
Mulder doing father/son activities out in the yard…
Mulder staring mournfully…
Daisy has been increasingly shrill and stupid every episode this season. The only thing worse I've seen (and heard) lately is Sarah Palin.
Exactly…and it was hard for me to believe almost anything the writers put forth about the Countess. I blame that partly on them, mostly on Gaga.