
Just what I need…a little rest..in a quiet, quaint little motel..in a picturesque little harbor town…
***flees, grabs cookies first***

I think Bates will return in early March (when we can start feeling like it's Spring!). And yes, Farmiga's a little squirrely. But that just makes Norma more believable.
It took me a little while to really get into The Americans, but it's truly excellent. I think you'd like it. Definitely need to watch from the start,

Oh, I'm not picky. Either will be just fi…CHOCOLATE CHIP!!!

I'm one of the ones who almost didn't come back because of that.
I really believe that, as a culture, we need to take a big step back from graphic depictions of violence..especially sexual atrocities.
It's like there's a competition going on (and I'm also thinking of shows like Hannibal here, beautiful in some ways,

A badly-written idiot.

The shots of the lobby always reminded me of The Hyperion on "Angel", which was pleasant for me. Of course, The Hyperion was a lighter and happier place…usually.

Agree with your terrific second paragraph.
But, "a couple more precious seconds of Drilldo"? **shudder** After the first episode, I never wanted to see that thing again. Not even a glimpse…never, ever again. Never.

Especially considering that internet/social media "fame" is usually short-lived. It wouldn't have been a permanent solution for her, as they implied it would be.

Good to see you, too. I love Penny Dreadful (Caliban's my man!), but I don't get to see it as it airs (I only recently watched season 2 on dvd). That might change before season 3 begins (in May, I think?). And if so, I'll be here.
However, it's a sure thing I'll be here for The Americans, Bates Motel (have to discuss

You're right, that's an added bonus.
Btw, love your new avatar…kinda makes us kindred spirits!

It's about time(?).
Actually, that made me remember…the real Liz Taylor sometimes wore them, and looked gorgeous.

A Greek Chorus with personality and style…that's our Liz!

No doubt about it, he made the show. He and his character are why I kept watching. Besides, I had to see what he'd be wearing each episode (clothes, make-up, and…you're right…jewelry)!

I was thinking the same thing, I didn't want her to spend her afterlife hanging around there. But then I remembered her past actions. It's a testament to Denis O'Hare's acting that he made Liz so likable (lovable, really) that we forget that she aided and abetted countless horrendous murders over the years. I guess,

That's quite a concept for this show.
And Mr. O'Hare should be holding Gaga's Golden Globe right now.

I think a lot of people would. She'd start out with an already established audience, and I bet it would grow quickly.

Lumberjack with a man-bun…no wonder he didn't last long.

I feel pretty much the same way. I attempted to watch this show two of the previous seasons, just couldn't do it. Don't know why I actually slogged through this whole season of bad writing and acting (despite Gaga's inexplicable Golden Globe win). I guess I just wanted to see what would become of Liz…and what she'd

"Cut me and I bleed Dior."
Best line of the night.
