
At the very first sight of Will's dogs I burst into wild applause…once again startling my sleeping cat (as I am wont to do), then immediately felt sheepish.
The look my cat gave me proved I should indeed feel sheepish.. sitting here watching Hannibal by myself and applauding like I was at a Zeppelin concert back in the

Yes, I'm curious now…thanks for the info! I remember some of her storyline, but must've missed quite a bit.

Actually, I missed some of the Miriam Lass stuff because that was about the time I was chickening out and about to give up on the show (the violence and gore was getting to me)…so not sure I get the whole gist of that…laughed anyway. And I would not put cyberbullying past Hannibal..but he would only do it if he could

I hadn't seen that, but have now thanks to your link…I just had read a synopsis of it. Watched the clip, I think the from-the-rear sleeper hold was to insure both actresses get equal screen time, or both getting their dramatic moment seen at the same time. You have now reduced me to a series of unladylike snorts,

Or the window open? Yeah, guess that would just be called…jumping.
Looked up said TV movie…hope you have a friend like Samantha to help work things out, or maybe help you change your e-vil genius ways. Nah…you're too much fun as you are. Leave well enough alone.

Fun fact? Okey-dokey. You, Sir or Madam, are besmirching Jack Crawford's noble image.
Hey, ever thought of self-defenestration? Or would that even be a thing?

Wait…I'm too busy laughing to think of a pithy come-back (I keep getting re-tickled). Except to say this is my very first defenestration, sincerely hope it's my last.

True, and I loved the way they went about it, but that doesn't keep me from missing it. And I really find it hard to believe this show won't get picked up by someone…surely it will (fingers crossed).

Right, they shouldn't just be completely excised from the show, they were too important to Will (and had importance in their own right).

Nice analysis. Yes, the dogs are the best part of Will…one reason I'm still clinging to that part of the story (along with my love of dogs).
Pets (and caring for them and the love they give you) are wonderfully therapeutic, and Will definitely needs healing. He's getting better now, psychologically (finally), but

No words necessary.
* sniff*

I've thought before you might be some sort of e-vil genius…now I know it to be so.

Yes, but then she was suddenly spending all (or most?) of her time at the Verger estate…caught up in other things. I guess she could still have been, but where are they now? Maybe boarded? Still worried about that scene in Will's house…missing them at that moment, or will miss them? Maybe they got tired of

It'll be really hard, but not as difficult as Justified's demise was, at least for me. Still twitching occasionally over that.

Somebody help me here. Regarding Will's dogs, did he say "I miss them" or "I'll miss them"? I thought he said "I miss them", in which case I have hope he'll be gathering them back together (from wherever they are) after his return, Hannibal's arrest, and a good night's sleep. If he said "I'll miss them", that means

I don't think I'm going to miss him…I got tired of feeling like I needed a shower after every single one of his scenes!

Or actually kill Coldplay. After all, they are the world's most boring band…deadly dull.

I didn't notice that. I'm having a temporary (I hope) vision problem, so everything looks a little blurry to me. There are moments in this show I'm almost glad. For instance, blurred eel entering mouth is better than clearly seen eel entering mouth.

*shudder* Let me reflect a moment…….
that's a creepy thought, and probably accurate. Sheesh.

When I was a kid I had a "crazy" Uncle Charlie, considered nutty by all the kids in the family because of his propensity for constantly talking aloud to his TV. He argued with it, questioned it, shouted warnings at it, cooed to it….
Hannibal has turned me into my Uncle Charlie.