
And George W. Bush "graduated" from Yale (and Harvard Business School). Cruz may be an effective lawyer, but I've known and worked with doctors with impressive resumes who were surprisingly stupid in so many ways (and I don't mean just differences of opinions). Besides, if he is "above average", he chooses not to

Unfortunately, it is very effective. But it's a common strategy that doesn't require real intelligence, just the right handlers (again, referencing 2000). I'm talking about candidates demonstrating a keen intellect before taking a run at the Whitehouse (and a few ethics thrown in would be nice).
Btw, like your username

Every single presidential candidate should have to take an IQ test, by law and publicly, and score above average. If conducted somehow with real safeguards against cheating, it would certainly thin the herd. This man would score nowhere near good enough (which was obvious even before this attempt to be cool or

Gee, I was reading this bit of "news" and the words just started…evaporating….as if they had no weight at all!!! Am I dreaming, mayhap?

Actually, that's quite nice. I like seeing civility and human connections, too…and practicing it! And you're not being a voyeur, all comments are right there on an open forum.
There have been a couple of people with whom it's been almost like regular correspondence..and I've worried about being off-topic a few times,

Ha! I'm surprised you read through those lengthy comments. I did reply, but on a different thread…and we've been replying back and forth ever since (but just lately off Disqus). Still entertaining.

Ok, yet another pre-pre-reply!
Saw that guy's quip…had to give him a curt little tap with my fan. I guess he thinks the endearments are blatant flirting. If he'd looked through my comments he'd have probably realized I'm older than you. Even though a Southern Belle doesn't just blurt out her age, I've referenced enough

You, sir, are no gentleman.

Hey, Sugar! (I guess that gets worse as I go along, like some sort of affliction)
Had just finished a jaunt down memory lane with someone on here about To Kill A Mockingbird (he and I both have named pets after characters in that sublime film/book), and was going to pop Kalifornia in the blu-ray player (even though

And administered by her own "father", no less. Actually, it's not that I'm a fan of the character of Jasmine, but of Gina Torres and absolutely everyone who had anything to do with "Angel"…ever. It's a sentimental favorite (obviously).

Oh, man..that brought on such a sudden, loud laughing fit/turned coughing fit that I startled my 18-yr-old sleeping cat into running into the other room! And I'm wiping tears as I type. That was unexpected, and perfection. Hit me just right.
Now, what would be the name of the club, though (if I can stand it)?

Yay! Validation from a fellow Angel fan…thank you!

Yes, it really was. In fact, it was so beautiful I had to close my eyes to fully appreciate it (that's what I told myself, anyway).

Me (somewhat annoyed): "Doesn't he know that will take a lot longer than flying?"

Ha! Yep, "depressing" is Will's middle name.

That's what I thought, too. But as this show makes me have moments wherein I doubt my own sanity, I'm never as sure that what I'm thinking is even feasible (let alone accurate) as I am with other shows.

I didn't ugly-cry, but I did some serious eye-twitching and sniffling…which I'm sure was just as attractive. Oh, and Jasmine forever (hope someone gets that)!!!

I hope so! I'm ready for Hannibal to get a little comeuppance. I agree about the typos..there are just too many. I find myself wondering (quite often these days) if proof reading has become a thing of the past, even in professional settings.

Actually, I kept picturing Bill Hader behind the facial prosthetics…and could imagine him doing the voice, too.

…"FRAMED AND MAIMED"……sort of how I feel after every episode.
Framed…as in set up by the beauty and elegance in each episode to have to watch the next episode.
Maimed…as in feeling like I've been put through the wringer by the gore and violence in each episode. And in this particular episode, left in tatters by Jack's