
Seasweetie?? Well, braid my hair and call me Pollyanna if that's not one of the cutest things I've heard lately! However, you sir, are a scoundrel for implying that my query had ulterior motives! Actually, I wouldn't have been surprised if you'd put my last reply on a back burner as I took a week to reply last time.

Hey, MC…is your power off? I hope not. It's too hot for that. If it is, hope it's back on pronto!

Oh my gosh, Sweetheart, you must feel like the air has been let out of you. I'm grateful, too, that you have the NHS, wish we did here. I have insurance but it doesn't cover everything and I sometimes put off things I should have done. I'm so glad you're getting any and all treatment you need…and promptly, it sounds

Hi, Sweetie pie! Thank you so much for the kind birthday wishes last wkend….had a pretty good time (no bourbon, 1 Margarita).
Watched The Place Beyond the Pines…so glad you recommended it. It made me a nervous wreck but enjoyably so (if that makes sense). It had people in it I wasn't expecting to see…Harris Yulin

Good point. But I still wish they'd mention them at least. Someone else on here is doing a "puppywatch" each week…"still no sign of Will's dogs". So I'm glad I'm not the only one worrying about these fictional dogs.

Lady E! That outfit had me blinking rapidly trying to clear my vision 'cause I couldn't believe what I was seeing!
I was starting to get worried about you, but didn't want to inquire yet lest you think I'm impatiently tapping my foot! When I sent my last reply to you I accidentally posted it after the first couple

Perish the thought. I've watched the past seasons, but missed a scene or two along the way. I wonder about it because although it's easy to get (or hire) a pet-sitter for a couple of pets, it would be more difficult with Will's large crew. And although it's fiction, I think about it anyway. I like Will's

I thought of Alana, but pictured her sort of out of commission during much of the past 8 (?) months or so. But I'll go with that unless we find out otherwise…and I've either forgotten or missed Applesauce…is that one of the dogs?

Thank you, too! Mine just wasn't as exotic as yours. Good old Olive Garden (my father's favorite), had their seafood pasta dish, and mussels as an appetizer. Really kind of apropo when I think about Bedelia and all those oysters!

Hi, fellow bunny lover! For some reason I can't recall it (I think the bozo suit wiped it from my memory), but I'm sure it looked good. He's usually the epitome of elegance.

Exactly. I started worrying about it at about the same time you did last season. And you hit the nail on the head with your other points. I can't help wondering about the very same things.
Even though a character can have shadings and be complex (and not just good or bad), I want to be able to really pull for the

I just finished reading through the rest of the comments, others compared the look to Beetlejuice and a barbershop quartet, so I'm not the only one who thought it…inelegant, just not worthy of Hannibal. But hey…one woman's meat is another woman's poison (to paraphrase). Mads is pretty easy on the eyes regardless!

Poor baby!!! This is 10 hrs after your comment…sincerely hope you're starting to feel better by now!!

Happy Birthday!!!! Mine was last Saturday…I went out to eat, too. However, I decline to list the menu…it was tasty but pales in comparison to yours.

Not at all, Dear…not at all….

Oh, that answers my question a few comments back….never mind.

You should! Poor little glowingly beautiful thing….they don't even bite! Or was it one of those instances where you felt it and automatically smacked without looking (in which case I'm sure you'd be absolved)?

Or (as a lady) getting your hair washed on the deck of a beautiful yacht on the open ocean…in the warmth of the tropical sun and the tang of the salt sea air….a la Nicole Kidman in Dead Calm??
Of course the fact that the killer "took over" for Sam Neill kind of ruined it…but it looked great when it started!!

Bam!!! Great Spartacus reference (for anyone not familiar, the classic film, not the dumbed-down TV version)!

Not only terrifying but highly implausible. That's one aspect of this show that bothers me (besides the gore)…previous portrayals of Will (William Petersen in Manhunter, Edward Norton in Red Dragon) have been of a man who has the horrific gift of being able to see into the inner workings of the mind of a serial