Agreed. I said last week I consider Juno a member of this talented acting ensemble. Plus she's so darned cute I thoroughly enjoy her brief little scenes.
Agreed. I said last week I consider Juno a member of this talented acting ensemble. Plus she's so darned cute I thoroughly enjoy her brief little scenes.
Hey, c'mon….she put her hand up to her face, maybe she wiped away a single tear. But really, I know I'm soft-hearted. Nearly every character on this show brings out my nurturing instincts…they make me wish I could HELP them! Especially Dylan and Emma, and with the exception of Chick.
Maybe she's been hooking to survive (or something along those lines). She no longer looks like the popular high school girl…more like someone who has been barely subsisting on the streets. She's a sad, confused lost girl who has hit rock bottom. I feel sorry for her. I agree with just about everyone that too much time…
I doubt that Bradley's back for long. I think she's on the fast track to victimhood. Found your viewpoint interesting….I've watched the show from the start as it aired, season 1 seems so long ago. I almost envy you the immediacy the story has after binge-watching seasons 1 and 2.
That would "fix" it…but good. I can just imagine Norma's voice drifting up from 23 feet down…."Norman!!!! Call Alex!!! Or Triple A!!!"
I doubt that Bradley will be around for long. I think she's going to become the recipient of Norman's escalating rage and insanity…pretty quickly.
Yeah, I'd gotten used to the fender hanging halfway off, askew….like its owner.
Oh well, somebody's got to keep an eye on the place while Caleb and Dylan run errands, deal with family crises, and go on "father-son bonding gun-running" road trips. And don't forget, he does double duty as a computer whiz.
I bet the brownies don't make it till Dylan's return. After all, Gunnar's stuck out there at the farm all alone…rejected….with the munchies no doubt. Emma's efforts will have been for nought.
When Caleb first arrived I wasn't sure what his agenda was concerning Dylan, but they've made it pretty clear now that he feels truly paternal toward him. I can't help but be glad because poor Dylan grew up basically without either parent. Whatever ultimately happens to Dylan (gulp) at least he will have…
From shifty ne'er-do-well to sensitive sweetie. I like his sweetness but it makes me worry about him ….and Emma.
You can't be really bad with those puppy dog eyes.
Indeed it does. Wonder what glib little thing he'll have to say when they get back alive.
Probably the nail gun alone would've done the trick for most people…just the sight of it.
I've got to give Mr.Therapist a little credit for having the cojones (in the face of impending violence) to make a stand for patient confidentiality, then flatly refuse to talk, then tell his interrogator to go to hell. He showed more courage than many people would (followed by a change of heart, but…understandable).…
Juno is just so darned cute, running so fast on those short little legs. ..and so sweet when she put her paw on Norman's leg when he said life is lonely. I consider her a part of this show's talented ensemble of actors (wonder what her real name is?).
Yes, you can see two or three emotions flit across his face in a matter of seconds….like shadows passing over. I love watching this entire cast work.
So true. I think that's why we all latch on to the humorous bits scattered throughout each episode. It's called "comic relief " for good reason. The subject matter is sometimes disturbing, sometimes frightening and suspenseful, but sadness permeates the whole story. Almost every character makes me feel sad for them…
Whoever would've thought that Chick is an ARTISTE! …whose work sells! He did say "Native Orphan" brought him 3,600 Canadian.
I love her but she's so exasperating!