
I'm intrigued. I like something that's introspective and with character development (not just action ). And I love anything set in the south, it's so atmospheric. I will be watching in HD and know what you mean about Georgia scenery. I'm a Kentuckian and from the time I was 3 yrs old to 18 yrs my family and I drove


I forgot about that! Remember him on Saving Grace with Holly Hunter? He was pretty good. Kind of good old boy cop with a vulnerable side.

Nifty comparison.

I made a few comments with similar sentiments. Agree with you completely. Very insightful.

I'm starting on Rectify this weekend. After some of my comments Monday night (after Bates Motel) I was bemoaning the loss of Justified and several people recommended Rectify. So I've set aside some wkend time just for it. I remember reading good reviews of it its 1st season.

Absolutely. Had them again just now. "Rock on, ancient queen…"

He really was. Love the bluesy stuff. "Oh well….."

I'm repeating myself but I especially love Gold Dust Woman . As a kid I saw them in concert. .that song live, in the near darkness could give you goose bumps. They went through several interesting phases.

That was one of their least interesting songs…picked as a campaign song to appeal to the masses because it was sunny and optimistic. Glad you're giving them a 2nd chance. They had a wide variety to sample. Gold Dust Woman is a personal favorite. Hope you like that one. Atmospheric and moody.

Yeah, it just added to her worries and confusion.

Paige is not an adult. Philip and Elizabeth are. They should've known better. That one simple lie is big enough to change her perception of who her parents are, who she is , and even the foundation of her family as an American family. Quite a lot for any kid to deal with. I don't think most of us parents would want

Yes, it's a viewpoint at odds with the entire history of warfare (modern, ancient, whenever ) because there's so much wrong with that history. If being reasonable & humane were stronger traits in the human race there would be fewer wars and less killing throughout history. Sounds idealistic but hey….one can wish…and

I'm afraid there's no ideology in the world that would cause me to be thrilled by their complicity in "necklacing" a man or forcing a completely innocent elderly woman to kill herself.

Because the woman is a stone cold bitch…and I don't ever say that about anyone. I'm very sweet.

Beautifully put. She's dealing with it the best she can with the tools she has, but those tools just aren't enough for someone her age. Especially when the truth was beyond her imagining and changes her whole perception of her parents.

Elizabeth and Philip risked all their lives by telling the truth to an immature teenager.

Exactly.She's simply too young and immature to deal with such a life altering truth in a calm, matter-of-fact manner. Even without knowing how bad it really is it's enough to negatively impact her family dynamic and even her self image. Every kid that age is struggling to establish their own identity. It's a big

Got through last night Justified-less, wasn't easy. Withdrawal symptoms. Looking forward to revisiting the Bates family next week . Going to start watching Rectify probably next week also, thanks for sharing opinion on it. Hope you enjoy Penny Dreadful.

Really? Was there a glimpse of it in the preview for next week?