Captain Obvious

As a Colorado resident, let me be the first to say -

Probably the most exploitative and poorly handled use of child rape as a plot device I've ever seen. To top it off, it adds nothing to the story, and has a highly questionable thematic resolution. M. Night should have embraced this being a fun B-movie, instead of cheaply trying to shoehorn in profundity by shamelessly

If I had to make a list of adjectives to describe Moonlight, "thin" and "unsubstantial" would be towards the absolute bottom. If anything, the film is almost too emotionally dense to process in one viewing. The diner scene alone is basically a masterclass in writing, performing, directing and editing.

Yeah, I feel you on that. I'm not going to blow $18 on a DC movie I know is going to suck. I do sometimes willingly go see a bad film to help put the good ones into perspective.

Surprised by all the comments calling this a bad year for movies.
The Handmaiden
The Invitation
The VVitch
Green Room
The Lobster
10 Cloverfield Lane
Love and Friendship
The Neon Demon
Swiss Army Man

I thought Midnight Shelter wasn't anywhere near Nichols' best work (I loved Take Shelter) and a bit dull overall, but I've seen far worse movies this year. The Conjuring 2 had all the depth of walking through a funhouse, but it was at least better made and acted than some of the annual crappy low-budget horror studios

See more movies. It's not even in the bottom 10 studio blockbusters this year. It is at least competently made, which elevates it way above Independence Day 2 on principle.

Can't tell if this is sarcasm, but considering Midnight Special has an 84% on RT and has already made some Top 10 lists, I find that extremely unlikely, to say the least. The Conjuring 2 was also widely well-received by critics and audiences.

I genuinely believe The Philosopher's Stone is one of the best family films ever made. It is endlessly charming, warm-hearted and re-watchable. My family watches it every Christmas. It almost feels like a Christmas film in the way it conjures feelings of familial warmth, and Hogwarts itself is just so inviting and

Hold on. So, you're implying I should be more grateful for the white racist patriarchy? That I shouldn't be so eager to fight it since it's responsible for me not starving? Or are you implying that I'm a hypocrite because I'm white, so I shouldn't try to fight racism? Or that recognizing the objective fact that racist

Listen. We're never going to defeat the white racist male patriarchy if you keep trying to one-up others' oppression and ignore discrimination of different peoples. So many different groups, so many millions of innocent people have suffered as a result, and we must address ALL OF THEM if we're ever going to be a free,

The only one trying to argue that all forms of oppression are equal or conform to some sort of scale of importance is you and apparently Chappelle. Everyone else is just trying to argue that all forms of oppression are important and must be addressed, because one set of lives isn't worth more or less than the other

Actually my point was that oppression shouldn't be a contest, that multiple groups have been systematically and socially discriminated against and murdered throughout our history, and they are all important and have to be addressed. And that trying to turn it into a competition and diminishing or even making light of

Yeah, I absolutely wasn't in any way, shape or form. All oppression must be addressed, not just the ones you personally rank higher in importance.

"Because forms of oppression that don't affect me directly aren't
important, my problem is more important than your problem, so don't
address it until I deem it necessary (because I have decided we can't address more than
one problem)"

"All he's asking is we ignore the murder, oppression, rape and systemic discrimination of millions of people until we address the issue I care about more, because I have arbitrarily decided we can only address one problem at at time. Is that so wrong?"

Yeah, pretty sure people aren't say "fuck you" because they disagree with him, they're saying "fuck you" because he tried to diminish the very real plight of discriminated minorities by ignorantly turning oppression into a competition.

Lemmie, Bowie, Alan Rickman, Phife Dawg, Merle Haggard, Ali, and now every ounce of respect I had for Dave Chappelle? When will it end, 2016?

"You go ahead and feel something about your rights."
It's always disappointing to see your former heroes diminish the plight of the oppressed because they're dumb as fuck. When the Nazis were exterminating masses of LGBT people, I wonder if they felt something about their rights? When the Brits were chemically

A family friend started truck driving as a career and was drinking at least 5-6 diet cokes a day, plus energy drinks most likely, to stay alert. He dropped dead of a heart attack at 48, with 4 kids and a wife and no life insurance.