Captain Obvious

I've done the same. I learned it's not even safe to order a plate of greens on the side if you live in the South.

I hope she's also ready to have 5 consecutive hours of toilet time for the first time in 22 years. I ate roughly a spoonful of pork chili by accident after 3-4 years of not eating meat, and let's just say I paid the porcelain price. "It took what is mine"

I am really, really struggling to think of something worse than capitalizing on the tragic murder of innocent children to make a political point, much less a laughably bogus point with no evidence to support it. How deep and delusional the Christian persecution complex must run for absolutely anyone to think this

Fair point, it's the only Ghibli film I couldn't finish. He did also direct From Up On Poppy Hill though, which I thought was better if not particularly memorable.

Studio Ghibli, Gillian Anderson and, “The story of a strong, adventurous young girl who grows up exploring a beautiful and dangerous forest filled with mythical creatures." This sounds too good to be true. Are we certain this isn't going to be like that much hyped live action Zelda show that Netflix isn't actually

26 parts? Good, I check out after they hit 35.

Boy, you really love using "nutter", don't you?

The court docket says otherwise, but who needs evidence in the age of picking and choosing?

"The child rape thing is frivolous" Maybe, but multiple eyewitnesses say otherwise. Please provide evidence.

I was exaggerating to make a point, because the outrage over this is significantly more vocal than the response to say, his overtly racist policies. If republicans were really outraged by his behavior and platform before, they should have done a whole, whole lot more to condemn him. A negative ad and a handful of

Right. It's easy to ignore a lawsuit from 30 years ago, now matter how terrible, but it's impossible to ignore an audio leak blasting from the front page of every news source. It's not a problem until it's a problem.

Things we've learned from the right's response to this audio leak:
White nationalist platform? Fine. Multiple rape allegations, including child rape and the brutal rape of your ex-wife? Fine. Busted for running a scam university? Fine. Openly admitting to 18 years of not paying taxes? Fine. Using charity money

Agreed on all counts

"Guys are doing and saying the same things as Trump."
Guys are having sex with women without their consent, and then bragging about it? I suppose you're not entirely wrong there, rape culture is definitely prevalent with young men. If these are the men you know, maybe you should change your social circle so you're not

True, but it's everywhere. Dear God, the comments on his Facebook post…

It's goddamn heartbreaking beyond belief to witness so many rape apologists come out of the fucking woodwork to try and justify or defend this behavior. I truly underestimated how many absolutely vile men are out there, even on typically progressive forums. It makes one genuinely ashamed to be male.

She changed it to "brutally violating" after they settled. Totally fine, then!

It is truly remarkable to witness people like you defend someone who openly admits to having sex with women without their consent. You can almost see the desperate, vile gears at work.

Except for the numerous women who have accused him of sexual assault over the past several decades, most notably his ex-wife who accused him of brutally raping her and ripping her hair out while she was under oath in court during their divorce proceedings.

To be oblivious enough to think it is in any way, shape or form a good idea to defend this type of behavior reflects how sadly normalized this abhorrent behavior has become in some circles. The *only* appropriate response to behavior like this is unequivocal condemnation.