Captain Obvious

Thank you for having the honesty to admit you think it's normal for men to casually brag about having sex with women without their consent. I hope this is the beginning of a trend, honestly. It makes it easier for women to identify who to avoid at all costs, and for respectable men to know who they should never try to

"I'm tired of this PC bullshit, people are just looking to be offended! This is just locker room talk, bros being bros! Are you so perfect, you've never casually chatted about felonious sexual assault or used a racial slur or whatever?" - Terrible people who are complicit in sustaining rape culture

This show is firing on all creative cylinders, so I don't particularly care if every idea isn't 100% successful. How many shows take this many risks? The high notes on this show absolutely crush anything else I'm watching, and the low notes are at least…interesting. It is never boring, and never easy. Mr. Robot has

Who needs moral philosophizing when you've got hot dudes doing totally sick motorcycle jumps? I'm not so much of a Trekkie that I demand long scenes of characters ruminating over moral conflicts, but Beyond is very, very dumb, much dumber than either Abrams film and arguably as dumb as a Transformers or Fast & Furious


On an ideological level, I love that they have their own niche and more exclusive games than other consoles. But, apparently the market for the Mario Karts and Super Smashes of the world is smaller than we/they thought, at least for the Wii U. Mario Kart 8 has sold 7.5 million copies since release, Black Ops III made

Most people are still in the same boat. Legendarily bad title, marketing and press. Throw out your leadership and start over.

I'm late to the party, but this is a perfect windows-down summer album with shades of 90's pop punk, except listenable.

Hopefully, but the Wii U was marketed so horribly, most people still don't even know what it is. Seems like merging platforms would only add to the confusion. The NX at least needs 3rd party support if they want to survive.

For Nintendo to delay their biggest game over and over for 1-2 years while the Wii U fades into oblivion, might be the death knell for Nintendo consoles. I mean, we're in the last year of a Nintendo Console, and there's no Zelda game? It must be a total mess.

"Mumford and Sons are the aural equivalent of POO." Fixed?? Juleps and canapé at dusk?

You sir are mincing words! I have NOTHING against Winnie the Pooh and only a moderate amount of hatred towards children!

And no denim

Vaporwave Mumford and Sons 2017

I remember when Roger Ebert reviewed the 2011 Winnie the Pooh movie, he said something along the lines of, "This is so innocent and simple, it would be a good first movie for children." Mumford and Sons are the aural equivalent of this, but in a bad way. Their music is the blandest manufactured folk possible, but

I love this site, but this review is boring contrarian bullshit. Turn Blue isn't a masterpiece by any stretch, but C-? Give me a break. I
didn't know Armond White was writing music reviews now.