
So what you are saying then… You hate everything.

The thing i have found that is kind of surprising… Trump supporters don't believe anything he says and believe he wont do much of what he claimed he would. So if you say he is racist they will just say stop listening to the media lies or he is going to build a wall they look at you like you are crazy.

This Jimmy Olsen is bigger and more ripped then the Superman in that picture.

It does finally load up.

Powerless will most likely be on Monday at 8:30 pm after the surprise hit Superstore.

Timberlake sings a "poppy as hell" song with celebrity cameos for an animated movie. Hmmm where have i seen that before…. Ahhh right! Happy by Pharrell for the movie Despicable Me 2.

This is one of the few modern Christmas songs to have lasting appeal. As its currently #11 on the Billboard Holiday charts.

How do you forget this classic???

Speaking of her…

Law & Order did a whole episode about it called Carrier in 1998.

Does… NOT… Look good.

Whats most impressive is that trailer has 667 dislikes and only 143 likes.

"looks fairly outrageous"


FYI: Anyone with a 30+ character username has his opinion automatically invalided.

why do people always write the most about things they hate? Guess its just easier to go off on things they dont like.

I must of missed the Freaks & Geeks where Paul Feig wrote and directed every episode…

Watch Identity Thief, The Heat & Tammy.

She has talent, but she has been playing the SAME character in every movie since Bridesmaid.

For a band to be around for 20 years and in 2012 can release an album that sold over 260,000 copies in its first week is pretty impressive. I guess hating on anything popular is still a thing.