
Looks like CBS was super smart to keep The Millers over The Crazy Ones.

i have to ask if you hate this so much why are you watching his? Let me guess so you can make posts like this?

well can we at lest wait till episode 10 before we start complaining about lack of back story on every character?

I guess you missed the part were i said we are 5 episodes in.

So we are what 5 episodes in and you want fully formed characters? You do know this is a 22 episode season right? When we see more from Gordon people complain and when we just get a straight episode people complain. I get the feeling people just love to complain when it comes to anything comic related.

I think it got plenty of "fanfare" it made 102 million on a 23 million dollar budget.

Haha and now they are turning Rush Hour into a TV series written/produced by Bill Lawrence (Scrubs, Cougar Town)

I… Am…. Just….. Speechless…..

So if i am reading this correctly… They are using the movies title because of the name recognition and maybe using some character names. But nothing else they are doing will resemble the movie at all. So will this be the new trend just use old movie titles to sell a completely unrelated TV show idea?

"Following “Found Out About You,” the Gin Blossoms would never truly succeed in the same way"

If only we had some way of finding information on topics we didn't know anything about.

He wont.


Guess he really is the next Kanye West.

"Braff could stand to update his iPod this decade."

For me this was one of the worst episodes of the season. The opening fight scene was a mess, horribly edited. How did mercenaries get machine guns into a court house? And the writing was also pretty weak.

What? Ringo could play any style and play it well?? Take off the rose colored glasses please!

Wait a lead singer in a famous band is an asshole??? My mind is blown! I think this is a first in the industry! Damn it! Now i cant listen to there music anymore because he isn't a great guy!