
Where do you get the idea that Greg is gross and doesn't care about personal hygiene? I don't recall anything giving that impression and took Lapis refusing the hat and handshake as a sign that she's just awkward and uncomfortable around people and human things.

The way he talked to her at the end of the assault on the church seemed somewhat emotionally manipulative to me. And I don't think she manipulated him since she was very upfront that she wasn't going to be with him. He put himself in those positions. Admittedly she should have placed more distance between them but

They might know he's missing but they don't know he's free and inhabiting Jessie. So no other angels are pursuing him.

Second Restaurant War.

It's more the economies of other cultures. Things like Gold Pressed Latinum and other possible currencies do exist. If somebody got a hold of a replicator they could flood markets with goods and currency at virtually no cost.

I'm fairly certain that replicators function off the same technology as transporters and I believe they stated in an episode of TNG that holodecks also do. So if it can reconstruct a human it's safe to assume it could construct just about anything provided it had enough energy to do so and the proper pattern was

I believe the angel in the tub was actually hunting DeBlanc and Fiore, not Jesse. Heaven doesn't know that Genesis is missing but they know those two are on Earth.

The scene with the two men meeting the sheriff never seemed like a flashback to me. The music sting was a strong indication that it was meant to be a surprise that they were alive but more importantly the scene doesn't function as a flashback. It offered nothing to what we had seen, which is generally the purpose of a

Quite possibly. It just stood out to me. I might just be seeing connections that don't exist.

I didn't think the part where the two men met with the sheriff was a flashback. It seemed like it was indicating that despite having been cut up they were somehow back. Actually one thing I noticed was, during the scene where Cassidy is looking out the church door after he killed the men, there are what appear to be

Not really. That wall was kind of a dick.

I don't know if the flesh is organic. In the past Krieger seemed to use existing skin taken from some donor but they always ended up looking like the donor. I suppose he could have grown skin but we saw Barry use some of it as a mask and nobody seemed to act like it was real skin. So I'm guessing it's just incredibly

They're not cyborgs. Cyborgs are organic beings with machine parts. Ray and Barry are cyborgs. Krieger's machines are androids. Completely different. So no need for him to be freaked out.

I still think they can, although they need a serious retool. I never bought them as reincarnated soul mates so maybe find a way to ditch that, turn Kendra into a legitimate badass and give them something to do. I can think of some ways to improve them so hopefully the writers can, too. But I suppose I won't really

I didn't know that. I still expect them to show up again, though. Maybe they can revamp them and bring them back at a later time.

I'm not a huge fan of the Hawks but I doubt they're being written off, especially with the introduction of Thanagar and the reveal that the meteor that gave them their powers was sent by the Thanagarians. They're too tied into that whole thing for them to disappear now. I suppose they could sit out part of next season

We don't know what laws they have in place, though. It's one thing to kill him when Rip was already breaking the law but once there was a legal way to deal with him things changed. The correct procedure could be to bring him in alive and executing him would have just screwed them over in an entirely new way.

In fairness to Rip, turning Savage over to the Time Masters did seem to make sense in that moment since it was the most obvious way to restore his position and get his team off the kill list. He had proof that Savage was mucking about in time, which justified his actions(sort of) and made Savage an actual concern to

Why would Barry know his grandmother's maiden name? How and when would that even come up in conversation with his father, who has been in jail since Barry was around 13?

I assume you meant "kick Savage's greasy ass" and not "kiss." Otherwise I think you and I watched slightly different episodes.