
I enjoyed this episode, almost as much as I enjoy the ridiculousness of the backlash from the "fandom" over her death. People couldn't stand her in the first couple of seasons, which is probably part of why Felicity got so popular. The third season they found her tolerable but mostly because they started using her a

Jacqueline mentioning him being white makes perfect sense. She may not give a crap but the social circle she's trying to work her way back into does. They're a bunch of rich, crusty, old white men who are probably as a racist as, well, a bunch of rich, crusty, old white men. If it didn't matter she wouldn't be

Jemaine Clement of Flight of the Conchords. The Bowie episode of FotC was amazing.

Just a heads up: the actress is Ilana Glazer. Wexler is her last name in the show.

I can't say I'm surprised. I've never seen a show so consistently squander its premise. They never actually seemed to put any thought into the series aside from "wouldn't it be cool if" followed by some stupid idea that just isn't interesting. Bad characterization, idiotic plots, terrible pacing, etc… There's so much

Of course "I paint them all" has a point. Gigi was in the mental hospital so naturally she was painted, along with whoever visited her. For a moment it looked like Peter looked at something after the lady left, too. But yeah, that's probably how they'll discover Gigi. So I imagine the episode was setting up Feather as

As much as I dislike Phil 2, I have to point out that he didn't try to kill Phil. He gave him supplies that should have lasted him long enough to get somewhere. Phil just burned through them in a few hours.

I came across as meaning something I didn't necessarily intend and the responses were less than kind. I just didn't want to end up defending myself and getting wrapped up in it and feeling bad and insulted.

Forget I said anything. I didn't realize people viewed the whole situation as statutory rape or whatever, nor that people would treat me like I'm a rapist or something. People seem to be forgetting that Penny was the legal age of consent in New Mexico, which means in the eyes of the law BoJack had done nothing

I think most of these are easy to explain.

It's worth noting that Archer didn't dress her up in lingerie. She was in lingerie at the end of the last episode, which is why she's wearing it. He just didn't dress her.

You could argue that Gruner engaging them is less a sign of idiocy and more a sign of his derangement. He kidnaps and tortures women so he obviously gets off on that kind of power trip. I imagine to him the manipulation is just another form of torture and power for him. Making his presence known was a way to torture

The quote you mentioned is actually, "Slowly entropying until we DEFLATE into a pile of mush?" That of course being why it flashes to the deflated BHP. Also it's Gob that sometimes says, "Oh my Glob."

Fair enough. I just see him as shifty, scheming and opportunistic, none of which are things I've seen associated with a gay stereotype. I suppose I'm curious where you've seen this stereotype because I'm more familiar with the mincing, flamboyant depiction than anything that resembles Penguin. Either way I don't think

You're not wrong. That's exactly what he said. I still don't see this demonized homosexual version of Penguin they keep going on about. Kissing that guy on the head was more the kiss of death that you see in mob related shows than some bizarre homosexual thing. I'm really starting to worry about what you guys think of

Yeah, the treatment of LGBT women isn't stellar at the moment but I don't think it's because they're LGBT. I think they're just mishandled characters who happen to be LGBT. I'm not sure Mooney fits that category, though. I think she's just about intimidating and controlling and gender isn't a factor to her when it

I guess I can see where the concern comes from. I just read it as him more trying to fit in to this fancy organized crime world. I realize you can spin that as metaphor and say, "Oh, it represents a gay man trying to fit in to a straight world and hide who he really is," and that's fine. I just don't think that's

No offense but I think you're reading WAY too much into Oswald Cobblepot. I haven't picked up on anything to indicate his gay. He seems more weasely than effete. If I recall correctly he never said anything about not dating women, just that he doesn't date, which in and of itself seemed more to shut his mother up than

I think the point of that sketch was that Mother Majesty and similar pop stars aren't really promoting sex-positive feminism. It seemed to be highlighting that these messages are more about saying that women are only strong or have value if they're out there living an unsafe sexual lifestyle. Being overly sexual

I think the problem is that the second they take their mask off it becomes impossible to tell them apart from any random citizen. So they could go around killing anyone with a mask on but that doesn't mean they'll get all of them. Not to mention that while they're slowly going around picking people off one by one any