
Well Hell does seem to be having some technical problems at the moment. I'm sure they're going to make some changes but it's possible the Angel of Death will still make an appearance. After all, The Saint does have weapons capable of killing angels, which I'd like to think they'd explain at some point.

I don't know, they've left themselves enough wiggle room on that. Technically what we got were the rumors and stories about him. They could easily come back later and show us there's more to it.

He wasn't killing people while he was walking. He knew where he was going and he just went there. Unless someone deliberately attempted to impede his progress, he did not kill anyone. If you're genuinely being serious with these comments then you need to start paying attention to what's actually happening on the show

I get the feeling you're just trolling but…

The Saint isn't an angel and, in case you hadn't noticed, can't exactly be killed by conventional measures. And the angels had to take a bus to get to Hell to get the Saint in the first place so it's not like they were able to just teleport in and out, either.

Perhaps they are saving that for sweeps.

Is this the only episode you've ever watched or did you not pay attention to the previous episodes? The Saint hasn't been in Hell since the end of last season and can't teleport. It's also somewhat suggested that there might be specific entry points so the average being can't just pop in and out of Hell wherever they

Yeah but most people don't immediately jump to putting a shotgun to their head and pulling the trigger. I could understand if she was being overly dramatic and just wanted attention and then the gun accidentally went off but she was serious about the whole thing. Her first response was to blow her head off. That seems

So with regards to Tracy, I think it's a bit more complicated than what we saw. If she defined her worth through how people viewed her and had low self-esteem, getting cheated on may have been a bigger blow to her than it seemed. Eugene kissing her was probably more a case of her deciding that even the one person she

Sometimes I feel like the only person who has no problem with the Jacqueline being Native American stuff. It's never seemed mean spirited or even remotely offensive towards the Native American community. There was the obvious original joke of it being completely ridiculous but even then they were completely

You're probably right about Minnick. I missed the very beginning of that scene but all I could think was that there was no way anybody would act like that unless they were trying to get fired. I know Minnick throughout the season hadn't been all that friendly but I didn't think she would genuinely act the way she did

Shouldn't Stephanie be dead or at least more seriously injured? She was 5 feet from that explosion, an explosion that blew a hole in a building, and the force of it lifted her off the ground. She woke up with a minor burn on her arm and a slightly torn coat. Couldn't they have at least messed up her hair a bit more?

Dee Bradley Baker. He vocalizes a a lot of animals and has quite a bit of range.

They all seem to get along and none of them say anything bad about each other or her. I wonder if she's ever considered that maybe she's the problem.

I always viewed that as more of a platonic, close friends sort of thing and not that she viewed him as something like an actual brother.

Why do people think Barry and Iris were raised as brother and sister? Barry was 10 or so when he moved in so it's not like they grew up together. I believe they even said he already had a crush on Iris at the time. Joe treats him like a son but that doesn't mean he and Iris were treated as brother and sister by him

He never left the show, he just stepped down as show runner. He's still a writer and is currently working on the movie.

To be fair the Sandro thing wasn't really BoJack's fault. Sandro misheard and went nuts. Admittedly Bojack did then actually fire him but Sandro didn't seem to notice that and he really kind of deserved it at that point.

She actually says it in the episode. That said the lifespan of a white tailed deer is actually between 6-14 years, so at 17 she'd pretty much be ancient.

For the record Penny was the legal age of consent where she lived so it would not have been statutory rape. It may have been morally wrong but it was still technically legal.