
The line Dar gave about never forcing any of the children in the orphanage was in response to Quinn's "dirty old man" comment. Such a pedo saying he loves a man he met as an orphan child speaks volumes more to what likely happened than the idea of him loving Quinn as a son.

I think Enid is the strongest contender because she was shown to have access to and the delivery capability of the information that led to Rick's losses in the last 3 episodes. The Saviors only needed Rick and that was decided before the start of the scene.

Your response to my original response to Dowd was removed for some reason so here goes my counter:

Yes. If she was there when Denise got killed, Enid could tell the Saviors about it and/or head that way.

She gave her some pickles and said she was taking over Maggie's shift. This after Maggie told her that the group went after Daryl.

Enid may have had a hand in Daryl's two ambushes. I don't recall where she was during those events but she has a habit of leaving to who knows where. She could have been tracking them and reporting their locations. If she were caught, she could plausibly explain her motives.

Everyone who ended up on the RV couldn't have been known but it would have been easy to guess that Rick and Maggie needed numbers of their most capable fighters to tag along. They already had enough captured to make an example in the presence of Rick.

Also, we don't know what happened and what decisions were made after last episode. She could've told a Savior group about their plans before the events of the finale.

Enid has been around long enough to know how close knit the group is. Enid should know who is among the core group as much as us viewers. It's a stretch but it is much better than magic of course.

They would need a moles in Hilltop and more importantly in Alexandria in addition to a lot of time to pull this together. Someone would need to poison Maggie to time it perfectly and convince Denise that living is just not living unless she is needlessly roaming on the outside for Crush. The Alexandrian mole would

Cool, sorry.

It may be the reason she signed seemingly ridiculous contracts in the first place. It may be an obscene comparison, but Radiohead went independent years ago and are still touring and releasing music. I forgot how Prince did it, but maybe she can follow his lead. Even if her tours benefit Sony and Luke, she can ride

So my avatar determines what words I can use? No pun was intended, but you have issues as well if you presume to dictate the use of my vocabulary to please your sensibilities.

It is documented that Sony and Luke modified the contract(s) on her behalf regarding who under Sony's umbrella she can record with. There is no basis in fact that her ability to tour is restricted. She actually was touring last year even after filing suit. If you have verifiable proof that she is restricted, please

Are these writers really so inept to think the the ridiculous plot which resulted in Denise's death was necessary to get Maggie on the road to Hilltop? Every medical doctor isn't an expert in all things medical. When Maggie fell ill, Denise could've reached her professional limits and said, "She needs someone more

Probably. Some of this assumes that she hasn't spent or obligated all of Swift's money. There are other ways if she has.

How would that be enforced if the victim doesn't report the crime? What if a witness accurately reports a crime and the victim denies it?

Your entire comment isn't supported by any evidence and ignores the evidence that we are actually privy to.

A good road manager or whatever the title is could help her with the small tours I think. I suspect that Sony and Luke won't fund a big tour because of the dispute and/or she is refusing to record new material with anyone at Sony.

You seem to have issues beyond my purview.