
In regards to the trust fund, she would be free of the contract by repaying Sony and Luke for their investments. I don't know what is in her contracts but I doubt that she doesn't get paid to tour. Sony and Luke may get a piece from proceeds but that is the contract(s) that she signed, likely with representation. The

She's above working now?

At least what I specified in my original comment. Middle of what? This civil case has been ongoing since 2014. There are plenty of people who don't put their lives on hold for a legal case. It is not like she is in court or doing depositions 24/7.

I agree with the last sentence.

What is absurd about putting together a small venue tour? The only "she" I could be referring to is Kesha. What article do you think we are on?

What is funny about my comment?

I don't know Mr. Donkey. A couple of vans, a PA system, a DJ, some lights, a few backup dancers, and a couple of backup singers should get her started. Deposits from promoters should help fund a small venue tour. She could also do hosting. Where is Taylor's money? I could be wrong about everything, but something

I would love to see all of her so-called supporters donate to a trust fund to buy her out of the contracts. We will then see how much they really care. By the way, why isn't Kesha out touring at the height of her popularity? Where is the merchandise?

A disappointing season for me. It was mildly interesting for the first few episodes but the writing limited the potential of the premise. I slogged to the finish line just to see how it ended - watching Ritter in those jeans didn't hurt though. There were some interesting developments later on (i.e. the idea to use

It likely is what the show is trying to express, but I don't see how better housing will solve most of the problems that the low income folks have. Sure, Carmen's kids won't be in a bad environment anymore but Carmen may have a bevy of health issues if she is actually scraping lead paint. One of the black women, who

We might find out when she gets into the sex party lol