Ed Dougherty

Oh I'm sure! But good point

Hmm why are you making this sound like an inventive idea when it's a really well worn genre trope that I can't believe they are doing after all of this lead up?! Kill the head vampire and all the others die. Destroy the main trade federation ship and all the other ships shut down. It's a good way for them to ruin the

Saw this at MIFF last week. Totally agree with this review. This is such a fake indie movie that tries so hard to be a crowd pleaser that it is really unappealing. All of the characters seem stolen from other indie movies which weren't even good to begin with: the profane grandma with the pill habit, the Indian friend

me too! I grew up in Seaford. Lindenhurst loomed large in my teen years thanks to silent majority and other LIHC bands

I remember that Syosset theater— that's where I saw THE PHANTOM MENACE! Matt Gerardi…I wonder if you had my father Dr. James Dougherty as a principal at any point. He was principal of South Woods Middle School and Walt Whitman I think.

I agree and hope you are right! Blows my mind that hasn't been explored more. Rifts is another one that comes to mind but I think I heard years ago about Bruckheimer being attached to that.

This is surely bad news for a Shadowrun adaptation which I think could be HUGE!!!

This was the hardest watch in recent memory and I watched SHOAH all the way through last weekend.

saw this at fantastic fest and it is amazing. one of the best new horror movies I've seen in years. curious to see what kind of reception it gets

how much did netflix pay for the terrible kids of stranger things getting mention?

saw this at MIFF and liked it much more than you did! I knew nothing about it so the turn it takes was actually pretty interesting to me though I can see it disappointing people. I agree though that it was a mistake to keep them apart for so long. And their relationship strains credibility, agree with that too, but I

I thought this was great. Much better than "B"! I find AVclub penalizes women directors for not having "eureka moments" whereas male directors are praised for their subtlety and restraint. Witness the CAMERAPERSON review (which history will judge more harshly than Trump's presidency and is eerie in its similarities to

I recently got that book but haven't read it yet. However I LOVE The Emerald Forest Diary…if you haven't read that, read it!

I just said this in a reply but if you've never read The Emperor and the Wolf— about Kurosawa and Mifune's relationship— it is an amazing book.

I think the RED BEARD story is pretty true, because it wasn't just giving up work for himself, which he could live with, but it was at a time when it adversely impacted his production company to have the beard. You've probably read The Emperor and the Wolf but if not it is an amazing book about their relationship.

I just woke up but I think there's tons of french new wave in Polankski's style…like look at the hand held on the street stuff in REPULSION which is definitely influenced by BREATHLESS and shows up in a similar way in ROSEMARY'S BABY. Also his use of jazzy discordant music seems more influenced by french new wave than

the shot of the eyes isn't of the kid though it's of rosemary flashing back to the dream/ritual

wait and I have to add to myself— Polanski's movie is different cause the story of the book was better. I mean Kubrick said the same thing. The Shining, the book— it's good but I can't imagine reading it now and not finding it shitty in ways, so yeah Kubrick doesn't follow it as closely cause he can't, would you wanna

Oh God please don't do the uncomfortable AV club reviewer thing where you respond to me cause I really can't have the internet stress right now and I don't mean to be a dick, but this article ranges from "bullshit" to "no shit"! This is all madness. No offense author!

I love you curious lemon!!!