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    which totally felt like a backdoor pilot. appears I guessed correctly.

    or, "Oh, if you do this, go out of your way to contradict the parent show because Whoniverse."

    did you know of the authorized* direct-to-video softcore spinoff ZYGON? this actually exists.

    I have a very fanwanky idea concerning the school that I will suggest to him at the first opportunity.

    well I only said that to make a cheap joke. you know what I mean. (I do not understand how Amy and Rory had a tragic exist, either, in particular.)

    I think you mean Eighth Doctor-River audiobooks. (Jack'll have a new Torchwood series.)

    don't they always get a very sad end?

    I almost feel like that Beeb set out to make a TV version of that and through tossing that idea around, they decided to make this, instead.

    gah! dystopian used as a verb! you can just say dystopia.

    okay, okay! I relied on my faulty memory, not having seen those stories in years.

    I liked that but the fact that she didn't just kill him made the character less credible for me.

    I saw "Time-Flight" when it first aired and I did not understand at the time (and still don't understand) why he couldn't have saved Adric. I mean, 'specially since we did not actually see Adric die. one of those things you just accept for the sake of storytelling.

    I don't think Donna thought that. the other two, yeah…

    the whole "companions" idea came out of a premise for a series which no one knew would run for more than a few years, at most. the Doctor, his granddaughter and two humans who end up traveling with them. they could not have foreseen that the Doctor would have "companions" other than those three.

    yeah, I really like "The Krotons". it has precisely one thing wrong with it, namely really awkward monsters. which has unfortunately overshadowed everything good about it.

    as I said above, Amy could credibly have left in "The God Complex" since the story sort of led up that anyway. Donna could have left in any number of ways not involving mindwipe. I mean, good writers can come up with reasons. (not that I minded the mindwipe. I really didn't. )

    Sarah Jane had sort of had enough, anyway. sort of complex situation. a Douglas Camfield submitted a story outline where Sarah would have died but Hinchcliffe and Holmes rejected the idea. (Lis Sladen liked the idea, though.)

    "The God Complex" would have made the perfect (permanent) exit for Amy and Rory, but no…

    speaking as a former child who grew up on DOCTOR WHO, I loved that. characters dying in horrible ways. you didn't get that anywhere else. (well, hardly anywhere else. but not on new American-made shows..) even better if it actually disturbed or scared you.

    yes. my father gave me that and a copy of A FINE AND PRVATE PLACE. the only two mass market paperbacks I have ever seen without back cover blurbs.