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    it reads that way because "the fantasy genre" as a marketing category did not at that point exist, therefore no audience to which to cater towards, in a bad way.

    yeah, the book came out as a novel for adults. and not even a "fantasy novel". (I will not go into a diatribe about marketing and categorization and dumbing down right now.)

    what I aspire to in my writing. plus the full of wonder part.

    read it. then read the short sequel "Two Hearts" and have your own heart dashed to pieces. (I still haven't seen the movie.) but over and above that, read Beagle's first novel A FINE AND PRIVATE PLACE.

    it found the absolute perfect actors for Julie, Mr. Gone and the Maxx, though. especially Mr. Gone.

    it gets resolved (more or less) in the comic book version. (the animated series adapted it [for the first twelve or so issues, anyway], very faithfully.)

    nearly all of them live and die by the scripts they have to work with, at least.

    not literally an adaptation but it did make me cry which I doubt that this film will do.

    could FINDING NEVERLAND not sort of count?

    how about a woman?

    Missy would have enjoyed it if he had.

    I called the little boy returns thing last week. only way Danny could have redeemed himself in the context of the story. otherwise why introduce the little boy in the first place?

    she deserved to die in style. but in and life and art you do not always get what you deserve.

    my jaw literally dropped when Kate "died". pity that they did not stick to it. (but bringing back the Brigadier briefly made it just about worth it.)

    pretty sure that phrase comes from "The Enemy of the World", incidentally.

    if they can DL the personalities of the dead into Cybermen, they can DL the personality of Danny into a copy or something. (remember, we already met their great-grandson [or something].)

    Alpha Centauri for the next companion?

    overrated IMO. I liked the idea and the atmosphere. just not the Doctor and Nyssa appearing in it. would have worked best as a standalone without them.