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    some pictures of Rip Taylor on that page, for some reason.

    he wanted to make rape legal in the same sense that Swift wanted to advocate cannibalism, i.e. not at all outside of satire. if want to verify that, you can read the essay and decide for yourself.

    it also shills for Pepsi, which really bothers me.

    justified for the torturers maybe but you as the viewers get to make that moral call for yourself. (as you clearly have.)


    hologram Bowie?

    ah, you should read some of the Wilderness Years tie-in novels. if, you know, you found that insufficiently dark.

    the blood of the dead is stale and flat.

    err, if you feel that way, why not give the name of the superior female candidate? as opposed to… a woman… any woman.

    only if they do a cyberpunk episode.

    I think it deserves reevaluation.

    I thought that he might then (successfully) confess and then pass himself off as Loki, but obviously not what happened.

    Holmes also acted as uncredited Script Editor for Season 11 before he officially took over and got his name on the credits. (he implied as much in interviews.)

    maybe even the Minister of War mentioned in "Before the Flood"?

    I think we only learned part of the explanation and we will get the rest by the end of the season.

    that happened mid-century.

    no, they don't work for UNIT. they know of UNIT but work for the petroleum company. (I missed that subtlety the first time I saw the episode too. wondered why they dress like civilians)

    yeah… I referred to using dystopian itself as a noun. never mind my elderly crankiness.

    my idea could either really suck or really work. (probably really suck.) the overall idea I like a lot. something similar came up as a premise for an online RPG (yes, I know…) except more of a Hogwarts situation, i.e. a secret school. but I liked the premise so much (teenagers fighting monsters in the Whoniverse) that

    Barbara died on the way back to her home planet.