
I agree that Dan made the right choice, but I'm not sure Dan beats anyone at FTC, especially because he'd probably go full Dan under interrogation. Sierra is definitely making the right choice because she's so far under the radar that she can only beat terrible people. Of course, we know she's not winning because the

After listening to Jenn's exit interview, I'm 100% convinced that Shirin is the 2nd biggest jury threat after Mike. That thought would have been shocking to me two weeks ago.

I don't know, but this is the story I have to tell myself to keep from murdering my TV every Wednesday.

I think Mike's route is almost impossible, but the remaining people think Shirin is a goat. She could be dragged along and have a good chance of killing anyone other than Mike.

If anyone other than Shirin or Mike wins this season, it's a complete disgrace (SJDS was abysmal until Natalie took it over like a boss). If Shirin wins after eviscerating the misogynists at FTC, it could very well be average, or a little above.

I have nothing in common with anyone that thinks Sugar was a good character, but Yau Man and Earl were awesome.

He's all muscle. He has no balance, flexibility, or brains. Remember Crystal Cox? She sucked at everything except running fast on a flat surface.

He's been playing from the front for a while now, and doing it really well, but with Joe gone he had to play even better, not stumble out of the blocks. Editing is often misleading, but the story it told is that his behavior at the auction and right afterwards made his own alliance think he was erratic and paranoid.

Cirie is probably my favorite of all time. She was the biggest fish out of water in Panama, but took to the social and strategic game so fast. She manages to stick around, in spite of being an obvious pre-merge boot, and is a great confessionalizer. Her only weakness is that she's so damn likable!

Shirin's been hated because the season is full of raging misogynists and Wet Blankets.

Will wasn't giving up shit to step out of that challenge. When it comes to any challenge that's physically taxing or even remotely related to balance, he's fucking garbage. He probably couldn't have beaten Dan, Carolyn, or Shirin, let alone the rest of the field.

Mike also wasn't the big shit-stirrer. That was Jenn. Mike tossed out an idea. Jenn went around camp stating it as fact to everyone, including Will's allies. #ChaosJenn

Chris's best play was definitely keeping Eliza close at F6 (and his virtuoso bullshittery at FTC). Twila and Scout did nothing to try to make Eliza feel welcome in that alliance.

The first anyone was shown talking about it was Mike and Jenn on the beach (Mike suggested it to Jenn). Shirin was shown walking into that conversation, and so presumably took some part in it, but it wasn't directly shown. The next scene showed Jenn spinning quite a tale about how Will definitely had a bunch more food

On the one hand, you'll miss the amazing comeuppance when Shirin makes one of the most epic underdog wins ever. On the other hand, you never have to look at Will, Dan, and Rodney ever again. If I weren't 150,000% in the tank for Shirin, I might be with you.

They could have, but Mike did say in a confessional that he overheard the four of them making that plan.


"Be the bigger person" is a euphemism for "Eat my shit and don't fight back".

(b) is exactly what I was thinking! If I were out there I'd be kind of resentful about him picking up a freebie like that, but I probably wouldn't do anything about it because it could alienate potential jurors. Shirin had other factors which tipped the decision the other way.

Do you know something about Will that we don't, or are you just making assumptions? Shirin grew up in an abusive, working class family, not from a privileged background at all.