
I'm just very skeptical of long immunity runs these days. In addition to some physical challenges, there are a lot of random carnival games, puzzles, and stuff like that. He'd have to win 3 out of the next 4 and then once more at the final 4. I can't consider that likely. But I hope you're right because I'm team Mike

She definitely did not say that she didn't like Shirin on her way out.

RIP Mike. I was rooting for you, but I can't come up with any conceivable path to the end any more, other than a highly improbable immunity run.

I'm beginning to thank that's incredibly likely. She and Mike by far have the most credible winner's edits, but I can't figure out how Mike gets there from here, and your vote scenario is quite plausible.

On the other hand, Mike was the only one to call them out when they were going after Sierra, and he was the only one defending Shirin today.

I'll jump on board with the Will love. He isn't winning, because while I don't believe in a "winner's edit" I definitely believe that any winner at this point in the game has to have *some* edit. His strategic decisions are solid, he doesn't annoy people, but he'll be on the wrong side of the numbers at some point.

A million likes would not suffice. Penner at his most sleazy, and by far his best moment of actually playing the game.

I'm kind of with @sharculese:disqus here. I cringed during every moment of his terrible armchair therapy with Lisa, but that was probably his best bit of gameplay in his entire history on Survivor. She grew very close to him because of that gooey nonsense. If it weren't for his uncanny ability to step on his own dick

Will the alliance of 7 hold (Tyler seems to love it), or will it break? Is Rodney a goat as we all assumed, or is he the likeliest target if he actually gets to his final 4? Is there any chance of a 3-3-3 to flush Mike's idol? How many people know he has it?

Mike 100% has the winner's edit, but I don't trust that at all these days. I'm trying to think of what would justify Probst's love of the season and I can only think of Mike, Shirin, and Rodney. Mike, because, duh. Shirin, because of the superfan, underdog, redemption story. Rodney, because he's so far outside the

The Jenn idol play was good. I just mean that Pagongings are boring. Even Jenn's idol play was less important because the dominant alliance had such a huge majority. With Joe gone, the real game starts.

I can't remember the exact words I've used, but I want to sincerely state that I love reading your thoughts and opinions. Everything I say/write is with a huge smile on my face, and I thought that there was kind of a problem with how that got communicated on the internet. Keep up the good work.

It fooled Jason!

Shirin is tentatively allying with Mike, but she might still jump at the chance to take out the biggest threat if someone comes up with a good plan.

Denise had a strong edit throughout. A few winners have shocked me. She was not one.

Denise had a much stronger edit. She probably got almost as many confessionals as Malcolm. The women winners with worse edits than Carolyn (in my opinion) are Samoa Natalie and Jesus Island Sophie. Guatemala Dani might be in the running, but her edit ramped up like crazy after the merge.

Mike has the winners edit, but that means increasingly little these days. His winners edit is so obvious to the other players that everyone seems to know they have to send him home (and according to Mike in secret scenes, he knows it as well). Right now, we're at 9. It seems like Rodney has a plan to go at 7, but

Nothing was going to happen until Joe went home. He kept it boring by winning the last two immunities, but he had to go home the first time he lost. Now is when the real end game starts.

It's B level because we all knew the score. If Joe lost, he was going home. He lost. He went home. Sometimes Survivor is just that predictable and there's nothing wrong with that. If Jenn or Joe won, there could have been some drama, but this was a predictable episode. On the bright side, now that Joe is gone, this

I don't want to throw any more shade at your rankings because I find them fascinating, but Penner's dislike of Probst is unquestionably the thing we agree on the most.