
"10 year hiatus" is the key phrase here. Many people have made fake idols. Most have failed, but a few successes were crazily entertaining. I'd point to Bob Crowley, Ozzy, and Yau Man. Bob was the most effective because his idol was the best and his target was the least suspicious that he might have been on the wrong

I think it's still very opaque to us fans. There was lots of talk after Nicaragua (I refuse to name the actual quitters), but nothing I know of was confirmed. WRT Julie, I thought she quit because she wanted to hang out with Rocker, which she couldn't have done if she was on the jury. I'm not sure if we've had a

This was the episode every fan should have been looking forward to (fuck not ending sentences with prepositions). Now that Joe is gone, there are far more possibilities. Before he was gone, the alliance of 7 was ironclad. Now, various factions could try to pull Shirin or Jenn aside to pick off Mike at any time. Mike

Dan's opinion of women is similar to Colton's opinion of black people.

Dan sucks and he'll either get a great comeuppance episode or get to the end as a Phillip-style goat, where he will give an epically delusional FTC performance.

I don't get the hate either. I'm not sure if I love this like Cagayan or Philippines, but it blows SJDS out of the water. There's going to be a bit of predictability until they get rid of Joe, and perhaps even polish off the rest of the No Collar + Shirin alliance (though I hope Shirin makes it through). Afterwards,

I think Rodney's time is still to come. He's pissed that Mike is the leader, and I think he'll target Mike pretty soon after Joe goes.

This is the biggest problem with Mike's game right now. It seems like he believes the BCs are his final 4, but I don't think anyone (especially Rodney and Sierra) wants to keep him around that long.

Seeing Fiji and Gabon this high on the list makes me physically ill.

I don't think there's any reason to break up the 7 until they at least get rid of Joe.

A winner like Mike would definitely explain why Jeff loves the season so much.

Not really. Rodney hates the other BCs and he's pissed that Mike isn't letting him be the Tom Brady of the alliance. I believe he is legitimately with Tyler, Carolyn, and Will.

She can't do it alone. It's only a good move if she is damn sure she has another flipper with her.

Tyler made the right call because most of the goats are in the alliance of 7, and the BCs are not united enough to to ride through to the final 4. I believe Rodney is 100% sincere when he says he wants to burn the other Blues after they deal with the Reds. Sierra might also flip. At minimum, they can't blow up the

I hope you're right and I think you probably are. I've checked out JudgeReinhold's link. It also looks like they have Kimmi wedged in between Kelly and T-Bird.

The biggest problem with the list, and probably the biggest problem with how the vote will go, is that there's so much recency bias. Most of the "meh" players for me are the relatively recent ones. Do a lot of modern Survivor fans (outside comment sections like these) even remember Peih Gee or Shane?

Interesting. I'd put about half of them in the "meh" category and half I'd actually be interested to see again. The only two I desperately don't want to see are J'Tia and Troyzan.

Do you have a link to the list?

The best play for Will isn't necessarily the same as the best play for Shirin. Also, the other side put a lot of effort to bring Will in, but it didn't seem like they were going very hard after Shirin. I'm just saying that sometimes people harbor big grudges after a flip and sometimes they don't.

Like major league baseball or European soccer.