
Myspace is for cucks.

Is it just me, or does a Dildarian sound like someone who only eats dildoes?

So were Saddam and Kim Jong Il

For the record, I was being ironic, which I want to clarify because it can be hard to detect on the internet. I stand by my ironic point.

It's only bad to be 'one note' if that note is Asian. (Spain's cultural and geographical diversity is obviously much more impressive than Asia's)

Ha! Beat me to it.

Is it just me, or does that photo remind anyone else of creepy Dennis Reynolds?

You were not. Other than her federal fraud indictment, I can think of nothing that explains her Red Lobster job than her comments about water safety in this episode.

Jim said something similar at Purple Rock. There has to be a trick, because if Tai can't do it, probably no one on the cast can, and you have to imagine Survivor want it to be hard, but also wants it to be found.

Cagayan (BvBvB 1) and Second Chances were gold recently.

She's basically a badass

I'll give him that much, but I feel like that's a low bar for the Beauty tribe. I think most people who take care of their bodies and are reasonably well-groomed can make the 51st percentile.

I'd say make it a 100% themed season. Survivor: Borneo 2. Same camp locations, same Tribe Names. Just new players.

DS9 was my favorite. I loved the idea of the improbably idealistic Federation colliding with the inevitable realpolitik of the cosmos.

I have one word for you: Piracy.

The Fall + Hannibal >>>>>>>>> Californication
(For any math nerds that want a symbolic representation of the comment above)

Yeah, basically the 'Murder She Wrote' conundrum. It's a valid concern, but the least of my problems with Dexter as it aged.

I think Fellowes showed a lot of promise at the beginning of Downton Abbey, but got bogged down in too many pointless subplots and a few really stupid twists. The tighter structure of a miniseries with good source material should play to his strengths and hide his weaknesses.

I think it was Todd VanderWerff (I still read him at Vox) who went on and on about how 2 Broke Girls had so much promise. The first 2 episodes combined to make 40 of the worst minutes of TV I've ever seen.

TOS pretty much hit the ground running. Other than that, they all started slow. The thing is, TNG and DS9 got a lot better. Voyager never did.