
Sometimes I watch Deadliest Catch. They attach buoys to thousand pound crab pots so the boats can find them and haul them back up to the surface. But when the current grabs a pot and drags it into deep water, the buoys are easily dragged under as well and the pot is lost. Dexter was the crab pot dragging the buoy

Damn good list. Gus, Mike, and Saul especially. How did they not make the list?

Totally agree. When I got around to seeing Voyager on Netflix (I don't necessarily recommend it), I was surprised that the most cynical ratings grab turned into one of the better characters in the series. Her catsuit reminded me of Troi's weird, not uniform thing in the first couple seasons of TNG.

I've always advocated incorporating a coin toss into the wedding ceremony to determine last name. Sadly, no one else seems to think it's a good idea.

Maybe I'm running in the wrong circle/age group, but shouldn't Antonio Banderas be the most famous person on that list by a wiiiiiiiiiide margin?

The way you described Daenerys and Jon Snow are exactly the impression I get from them in the books, so I'd say the show pretty much nailed them.

Occupation is messy and having the best army is no guarantee of success. Look at Iraq and Afghanistan.

I agree with you 100%. Rob was given a tribe full of sheep. He promptly identified them and got to shepherding (no pun on Phillip's name intended). I don't know if Russell's tribe would have targeted Rob the way they did Russell, but there were way fewer sheep over there.

If you go deep enough into the differences between TV and the books, you could make a number of changes. What I mean is that if Sansa marries Ramsay, this is what must happen. Any other narrative choice is incoherent.

Ramsay raping Sansa in the "appropriate" Westerosi way was the only possible narrative choice. Tyene's seduction of Bronn was the work of HBO's CEO of Tits. No grand gender analysis necessary. For the record, I'm not particularly bothered by such analysis, I just think it's overthinking these two particular scenes.

I think Carrie does a really good job. I liked the season and a lot of the characters, but it was a very predictable season for much of the run and also unpleasant at times. I don't want a cheerleader, I want a writer that's a fan and that holds the series to it's highest standard. Also, AV Club writers are notorious

Emotions are high in the game so it's tough to evaluate. My thinking was that Rodney was never even betrayed. She only targeted him after her entire alliance told her that she was on the bottom. And then she beat him in a fair and square fire challenge. Tyler was blindsided by his closest ally in the entire game. I

It's tough to figure out. When CBS came out and said that there were 10 million complete ballots submitted, I had no idea what that would mean. Superfans mostly love Shane and Savage. A lot of "casuals" probably don't remember either. Is it possible that there are a lot of in-betweeners that voted for Savage because

As far as the 50 trials, 50 results thing, I think it is right a lot of the time, but with a few exceptions. If you use the same tribal divide on RI, I think Rob will win with the exact same goats well over half the time, which is the exception that proves the rule (i.e. you have to intentionally engineer a season to

I like Mike a lot more than Carolyn, but she played a great game. The vote for Will was basically flipping her the bird.

What if Ian realizes he's being played and stays on the buoy for 36 hours before Tom passes out and has to be saved by Probst!!!???

You're right. Google also says his stepfather is the owner.

One World sucks but it can't be the worst as long as Nicaragua exists.

I googled him and it said his net worth was $200 million, so he's got to be in the hunt.

Maybe. I thought I remembered a caption around 45 minutes, but I could be wrong, or there could have been another one later.