
At least he's not tweeting about "mediocracy"

A Wet Blanket was sent home! I'm so happy!

I posted last week about what Lindsay said in her exit interview about Dan vs. Rodney. Considering that Lindsay and Sierra were extremely close in the game, I wouldn't be surprised if Sierra feels the same way. Her body language was so telling. She's angry with Dan, but the lines of communication are still open. When

It's just the opinion of one young woman with a face tattoo.

According to Lindsey's exit interviews, they legitimately disliked Dan in the beginning, but he grew on them. Mike annoyed everyone with his work talk, but it wasn't really a big issue. They'd get into fights about it, but she didn't seem to think anyone took it too hard.

While I blame Max's downfall squarely on his own shoulders, I'm still not too impressed by Carolyn's move. She saved herself for one week, but is now instantly expendable. The No Collars could go with Shirin because she's annoying next time they lose, or they could decide Kelly or Carolyn are bigger threats down the

This week in inappropriate Survivor hashtags. I'll start it off!

The vote split is still a problem though. No matter how well you smooth it over, Will and Sierra both know they're at the bottom. They both know that's unlikely to change. Sierra may be the one jumping ship now, but Will is also on the lookout for better opportunities. This is the underappreciated downside of the vote

I just threw up a little.

The idea that roosters encourage the hens to lay is a common old wives tale, but it is 100% myth. On RHAP, they said they ate one of the hens, but I had just assumed it was the rooster while I was watching.

I will always upvote Seinfeld references.

You're just like Joaquin, who I'm assuming must be a vegetarian since he thinks anyone that kills animals is a psychopath.

Her exit interview on RHAP was surprisingly good. She also had some interesting, positive things to say about Dan.

Raylan Givens quote aside, I don't care how many people find Max and Shirin annoying, they're wrong because those two are awesome.

I don't know which of the Wet Blanket Alliance is the worst. They all suck.

How is that a legitimate concern? The pot sits over a fire and boils water! His wart cooties will not survive the process. I mean, I wouldn't want to drink that particular batch of water, at least not before reboiling it.

My opinion is that Shirin is almost as screwed as Max, but that the real lesson is never to let on that you're TOO obsessed about Survivor. Jenn's been watching since her early teens (I sincerely think her "Kate" reference was Katie), and even she knew to target Max. I'm reluctant to pull out a Boston Rob reference,

And 30 seconds after I wrote this Mike supported everything I said: If there was an idol, none of us four was going home. Sierra will NEVER stay loyal to BC at this point.

I'm at the end of the first TC. Before reading the review or other comments, I want to say this:

Well, the tag is "TV Review", but the first part of it was like some sort of think piece. That's part of what makes the whole thing so baffling.