
My only guess is trying to get more views for the review of the obscure new show by making some ridiculously tenuous connection with NBC… but it failed. It just ended up being a completely idiotic pairing.

I don't know what the purpose of combining these two reviews was. It took me a few minutes to realize that the different shows even had different grades. The Community review was fine, but this odd combining-two-shows gimmick is baffling and incoherent.

I don't want to live in a world where Nicaragua and Jesus Island are *both* ranked higher than Amazon.

You're a moron.

I loved Shirin and the monkey sex! Tyler, Carolyn, and Joaquin suck.


He's not half as entertaining as Judd, but I see some similarities.

Fortunately for the Blue Collars, Mike doesn't have a Junior Deputy Fire Bitch. Otherwise, they'd be in real trouble.

I don't like Will's move, but I'm not 100% down on it in a 6 person tribe. If they have to vote another person out, it will be Nina, and they almost certainly won't have to vote out more than one more before a merge/swap. After that, there will be plenty of chances to re-align. Still, I'd rather go in with a strong 3

Derp, I apparently can't alphabet (I was looking at the rows that started with Kelly)

Kelly, Joe, Max, Shirin
If it's not taken and it's not too late.

Nice work

Also… not rice.

I also remember reading somewhere that Jeff really favors the Central American places because the travel to the Pacific places is so much more grueling.

I missed that part. I did not notice the misattribution of the statement. I just thought they were musing about whether calling someone a coward could be slander.

Also, statements of opinion are generally protected, and "coward" is a very subjective and opinion-laden term.

I really hate the hashtags. Maybe I'm just an old coot.

Remember Micronesia (I think), where they had to follow a long series of clues and Cirie was about to blow her brains out looking for the idol? What happened to that? It's extra annoying for me because big, dumb Jon found it, but it would still piss me off if my favorite player found it that easily. You've gotta make

I would love to see this group of dummies do a challenge like that.

I'll go as far as removing the "at best" qualifier. I can call him an average winner (c'mon, that's pretty good), and one of the all time great narrators. Please don't send me your Chris thesis via e-mail.