
I don't agree with Streets, but it was less about Eliza and more about Twila. Eliza was obviously game for the alliance once you convinced her she was out (Eliza is pragmatic). The question was whether Twila thought she was final 3 in the womens' alliance, and whether she could eat shit and go with Eliza for a few

He was uncomfortable with the vote, but did absolutely nothing until a smart player told him what to do. That's classic Jon.

I agree. Jon is as smart as a golden retriever.

I thought Julie's quit retroactively ruined the episode. The strategy of the episode was completely undermined by the horrible piece of casting who predictably quit.

That was mastery. His greatest talent was definitely bullshit.

I've said it a million times. Jon is dumber than a sack of hammers, and it is really annoying to see him stumble his way ass backwards into a decent position. Anyway, apart from the Jon bit, I largely agree with your comment, especially the part about the fall of Drewshebag.

I liked this and the Josh vote out episodes. But I hated the Julie quit episode and last week's ridiculous edit. It will still take a pretty good run to redeem this season, even post-merge.

I loved Chris. He's an average winner at best (Twila handed him victory on a golden platter… and it still took him a minute to figure it out), but he was soooooo much fun as a narrator and character. He also wasn't quite as dumb as people like Jon.

ChaosReed! Keith really blew up his spot, but to criticize Reed, he shouldn't have talked about the idol. Keith has shown repeatedly that he doesn't really get it. Don't do anything that might provoke him. Anyway, this is a first-rate episode. This is how you build suspense, not the bullshit they pulled last week.

Sorry if it's been mentioned before (I don't read all POI comments), but is it just me or wouldn't the dude that played Marlo Stanfield be a way better Dominic? I think they're going for the cold, deliberate psychopath, but with the current actor, all I'm getting is dull and lifeless. Marlo brings way more life to the

The whole point of Survivor is to tell a story. If you just want to watch a bunch of assholes be stupid on TV, there are literally dozens of other options.

There has been a conflict between the strategy nuts (like me) and the reality show fans for a long time. Characters like NaOnka and Colton, and crazy edits like this one cater to the latter, but they piss me off completely. I'm not saying one is objectively better than the other, but if this is what Survivor is, count

I don't think Keith's idol had much to do with it. Alec and Reed were still safe votes if they wanted to keep the alliances as they were. Muffin made a clear choice to shake up alliances, either because Jon convinced her, or she feared Jeremy down the road. Unfortunately, the edit gave us no information about what

I found the shock of Jeremy's blindside baffling because the editors did so little to set it up. They have so much footage that they could blindside us by showing irrelevant shit every single week. If you don't tell a story about the relationships and alliances, the whole thing is pointless. It's just a bunch of

My math was wrong. I meant to say it was 2 weeks early. 8 would be the time, but Jeremy would have been more likely to see it coming.

The edit made it hard to tell, but his mistake may have been pressuring Jon to admit he had the idol. Even if you don't think Jon's move was particularly smart (I don't), Jeremy made a mistake by showing mistrust.

I liked Jeremy, but I thought it was a good move to get rid of him. Still, it was a week too early. J&J + Baylor/Muffin should have done it at 8, leaving them in firm control at 7.

I haven't seen such a shameful exploitation of Jesus since the last Republican convention.

Yau Man gave Dreamz a car… an in real life car, and it bought him literally nothing.

God Damn Right!!! "Half my alliance is shitting all over my only real chance of staying in the game. I'm going to ignore that and go annoy Baylor."