
His constant "must…. murder…. everyone" face is why I like him so much, even though I know it has to be bad for his game. Take a page out of Missy's book: Put on a big fake smile!!

I was going to say that Thailand gets a bad rap because I actually really like that season. However, between an attempted puppy murderer, the thoroughly unpleasant Clay, grindgate (which would totally be #GRINDGATE today), and Skatie McChokerton, the unlikability rating is really high.

Drewshe is dead. Now is the time for the very short reign of King Drewshe II.

The concept as a whole has the potential to add a really fun strategic wrinkle to the game. It does a great job of adding relationships between people on different tribes, which doesn't always happen, and makes the post-merge game more interesting. But I think you're right in the podcast when you say that it makes

Julie didn't get a real chance because she sucks as a Survivor player and as a human being.

Jon is dumber than a sack of hammers.

You don't really "get" ceviche, do you?

I'd rather see her quit than put up with her whining (and the whining of people like you) about how bad she was treated and how hard it was to be away from her man for sooooo long. Good riddance.

Rob Cesternino was also a recruit according to his own bio. He applied to Big Brother 3, didn't make the final cut. He was a huge Survivor fan, but he didn't actually apply to Survivor.

They sent a head they claimed belonged to the Mountain head to Dorne, but Robert Strong is clearly the Zombie Mountain. Most readers, including myself, believe Robert Strong is headless and Dorne got the real Mountain's head.

Sand snakes!!

I hope they dial it down a bit too, but they pretty much have to include her. It's the linchpin of the Bolton strategy to rule the North.

Possibly if they check in with Bran (which seems likely).

Officially, anything up through the 3rd book is not a spoiler over there, even if it hasn't happened in the show yet.

1. They climbed the wall well away from the any of the 3 heavily manned towers.
2. Jon got back fast because he was on horseback and went directly.
3. The wildlings plundered for a while, waiting for the signal to attack. They were also hoping to draw out some of the Rangers into the open and fight on better terms than

In the books, the Unsullied are explicitly described as having been castrated, shaft and stones, at a young age. It may not be realistic, but neither are magic and dragons.

Thanks to Palin, every time I see a reference to "going rogue", I imagine someone going off script in the most insanely incompetent way possible.

Reading the newbie comments is pretty entertaining. They seem split 50/50 between wanting to quit the show because Tyrion is going to die and thinking Tyrion could never die because he's too popular. Those that think he can't die still can't figure out any plausible way to save him, though one or two have stumbled

I don't know if you're being sarcastic, but I'll answer earnestly:

The nobility can pretty much treat their peasants however they want. As long as the Boltons respected Robb's allies, I think Robb was mostly fine with it. I also think the book went into a little bit of detail about how Roose was annoyed by the way Ramsay was so openly evil. He felt it was wiser to keep that sort of