

I liked Alexis, but mostly in her post-game interviews. Maybe her edit was just bad, but I was not a fan of hers during the actual game.

My ordered list of who I want to come back from this season:
1. Tony
2. Tasha
3. Kass
4. Trish
5. Spencer

I kind of liked Spencer, but Tony was the clear star of this season. In retrospect, I even thought his most controversial moves were either OK, or pretty good. And finally, his super idol bluff was amazingly brilliant.

I've definitely warmed to Kass in the villain sense. She's unpleasant, but not like Colton or Hantz, and she brings a huge sack of chaos and unpredictability. I'll never root for Kass, but I'd love to see her on the next HvV.

It obviously wasn't the right play (JT was wrong), but it was a calculated risk. I tend to place the plays with absolutely no upside as the worst plays. Tyson, Erik, Colby, and Ian are my go-to examples (and Erik is the least bad of those). JT giving the idol to Russell falls into the Yau Man giving Dreamz a car

I watched Samoa before I knew anything about Survivor fandom online, and I had no preconceived notions about him, but I did NOT like him and I was happy he lost. I did, however, find his game interesting. All new players need to study his game carefully to both understand the genius and the utter idiocy of it. If you

If you've seen HvV, you've seen all the Russell you need to. If not, watch HvV, so yes, Samoa has become superfluous.

From a likability standpoint, it doesn't get any better. Also, the amount of Russell screen time increases exponentially. I never liked Russell, but I thought his first run-through was fascinating. If you don't find him entertaining, the season will become a black hole of misery.

I think people just respect the backstabbing strategy in the game, and wish they were better at doing it themselves. After all, it's a game for a million dollars, played against strangers. The jury is, and has always been, capable of determining what a winner looks like. Over 28 seasons, they've consistently defined

He's trying to make a pilot about a sitcom version of Sherlock Holmes. Obviously.

Mad Men and The Wire are two of my all time favorites, but I'd go with The Wire. There is no bad choice there.

I think dumping rice, and being 100% unapologetic afterwards is definitely worth some booing. It's not like she was tarred and feathered.

Better make sure it's a blindside because she basically said she'd do it again if her tribe told her they were voting her out.

Ability to win individual immunity is, to me, probably the worst criterion to judge Survivor winners.

My 3 favorites right there.

A lot of the Kass hate is also because she's a nasty and unpleasant person to be around. But you're right, Sarah and Morgan probably weren't going to the end anyway. Morgan had the better chance because if she stuck around long enough, she might make a good goat.

On Rob's podcast, Tony said it was because there was no way he wasn't bringing Kass to the end. It was between Kass and Trish, so he cast an honest vote.

Nope. I feel like it happens a lot that the jury takes one last opportunity to beat up and vent on the obvious winner…. before giving them the million dollars. If anything, the jury questioning convinced me LJ and Jefra were probably going to vote for Tony, but that Trish might not. Tasha's vote came out of left field.

I think Twila is underrated, but I don't think it was the pledge that lost her the game. She had a poor social game overall.