
The showmakers have access to GRRM and myriad spoilers about the future of the series. That said, they've proven that they can also do whatever the hell they want.

She was given a choice between two words by Stoneheart. The one that entailed betraying Jaime was "sword".

Tyrion voiceover + Ghost Oberyn would be brilliant! Then they could finally do away with all subtext and subtlety and just tell us everything… Seriously, though, they're going to have a hell of a time reminding non-book viewers about Tyrion's wife.


He pretty much has to die or Tyrion goes free.

I agree with all of that except the first. Daario and Dany started off flirty. Then she sent him off to scout and stuff. After he returned for the siege, but before her marriage, they were humping like bunnies. The show just accelerated the courtship a bit.

Jaime and Cersei are obviously fraternal twins. Otherwise, good summary of the incest. You could make a similar list about rape, but writing it would take all day.

Well, now you made me Google it. Terry won the loved ones challenge and brought Shane Powers and his 13 year old son (according to google).

They both spend half an hour trying to light their swords on fire.

Verified. It was talked about on RHAP. Rob C agrees with me. It was an excellent browbeating by Tom and Katie, but Ian was a fool.

The crazy due in Aras's season. I think his name was Shane? I think his son was a young teenager.

Kass's ego needs to be stroked constantly. That whole alliance, including Spencer, dropped the ball.

I'm not anti-Spencer, but his biggest botched play was the idol. Tasha and Jefra both said in exit interviews that he could have flipped Jefra with it at 8 (and if Jefra brought back the right name, it would have worked). The poker player on RHAP last week also brought up a good play if he really trusted Jeremiah.

For different reasons though. Trish made it sound like Tony though Trish would think he was a coward for not owning it (maybe some other jury members too, but mostly Trish). Trish said that she understood where he was coming from, so if Tony makes it to the end, it does seem like he has her vote.

12 year old child (or somewhere around that age) happened once.

According to Trish, it was because Tony knew she was going and could have saved her, so he felt like it would have been dishonest or cowardly to not write her name down.

There actually was a guy like that. He gave his finale tickets to a bunch of strangers and said his best friend was a dog. I forget his name.

The only thing I hate about Palau is Ian jumping of the the buoy.

I don't get it. Richard Hatch and Stephen Fishbach are in love with the guy over on Rob's podcast and it blows my mind because, other than that, I think they're pretty insightful. Spencer is a decent player, but a below average winner in my book.

That's a cool idea. There's a huge difference between run of the mill Survivor deception and the super-villainous unpleasantness of people like Russell and Kass.