
Watching a bunch of strangers cry about their loved ones is boring?

How can everything about Coach be so ridiculous? He makes my brain hurt.

Todd and Amanda were definitely about equal. Todd was more outwardly bold, which put him in position to both impress people and piss people off. Amanda executed a great social game, but was more under the radar. Both are solid strategies, and together they really controlled the game. Todd was also masterful in the

I just pulled up the recording. Tony never clearly said he was playing it for himself, but when he handed it to Jeff, Jeff said that no votes against Tony would count.

If that's the case, I'd say it's a terribly bad read on his part. I'm sort of "meh" on whether he should have saved Trish, but I do think that he was really in the driver's seat with that idol. He could choose his final 4. If he thought otherwise, he was wrong.

He can't get voted out with the TP idol.

BUT, Tony pretty well knew that he wasn't on the chopping block. He could have easily given Trish the regular idol before the votes were read, knowing that there was a 90+% chance he'd still be able to hang onto the TP idol and bluff next week. If he really wanted Trish to stay, he almost certainly could have done it

I thought the whole jury was pretty mean to Stephen. He had almost the same exact blood on his hands as JT, but Stephen seemed to take all the heat. I think they just liked JT more. He also got punished for being honest about whether he'd take JT to the end. In a f2, only a moron doesn't choose the person they can

Russell got 2 votes (I think) against Natalie, who was thoroughly likable. I'd be surprised if Kass gets that many against any of the finalists in a final 2. I'd be surprised if she doesn't get shut out in a final 3.

I just watched that season 4 or 5 months ago and I'd agree. His mastery of the final 5 and the jury puts him slightly above average in my book.

THANK YOU!!! Chris managed his final 5 and the jury brilliantly, but I was throwing things at my TV and screaming "flip the bottom 4 you moron!!!", while he needed Twila to literally hand him the strategy. Twila kind of reminds me of Kass, but for some reason, I didn't dislike her as much. Maybe it's because she was

I think Tony and Spencer are the most likely to get jury votes at the moment. Either will have to win some shit to get there.

That's so true!!! Russell would immediately try to vote her out, no matter how many idols he had, no matter how little power she had, or how few friends on the jury she had. He is the poster boy for Manichean paranoia. Also, on the way to voting her out, he would insult her and all her allies as much as possible (with

Does that mean Carrie is awesome, Survivor is awesome, or we're awesome? I'd prefer the latter.

My brother is a gun nut so I am aware of "Top Shot". I just question whether that was worth $900,000 or whether actually winning would have cost him the gig.

Tony is reckless, but Hantz is brainless. Tony pisses people off by playing the game in a paranoid and reckless way, but Hantz has no regard for the feelings of anyone, ever. Tony might be my exact idea of what a fairly competent Hantz is, and I think that is a fairly dangerous creature. I thought Russell might have

The key is to know what you love, teach what you love, and actually care about teaching. Woo could do that for a lot of subjects, but not all.

For the record, I cheer for Spencer kind of the way I cheered for Chris from Vanuatu. I just like the underdog story and there is no one in the majority alliance I'm really rooting for. That said, I think Chris was only an above average player, and I think Spencer isn't quite as good as him.

I find it hard to believe that losing honorably actually gained him more than $900,000 worth of reality "fame". I can't imagine anything he has accomplished since then (very little) would have been seriously undermined by playing intelligently and actually winning.

Kass isn't merely blind. She is in a sensory deprivation tank of awareness. She apparently has no idea what is going on in the head of anyone left in the game (or on the jury).