
Thanks for the clarification.

According to Rob C's podcast last week, that's how Colby was in Australia. He won tons of challenges, including reward challenges and the word on the street is everyone tried to talk strategy and he just completely ignored them and enjoyed the reward. Then he won out to the finale and lost with one of the worst

Also, feigning disbelief goads them into showing it, which occasionally works.

Was Terry whining about visiting multiple stations? That could be it. I do remember that being controversial in their counting shit challenge. That may have also sparked "Terry is a misogynist"-gate.

That was implied on Cook Islands, but I've been looking all over to have it confirmed and no one has, including Rob's and Purple Rock's podcast.

Kass clearly reconsidered the Kass/Spencer/Woo final when she flipped back to Tony. Still, I agree that Tony is no Hantz. He makes enemies, often carelessly, but never as pointlessly as Hantz. I think people like Tony. He's kind of fun and charismatic, except when he's arguing with Kass or getting super paranoid. He

I second the "horrible politics", "bland and inoffensive player" stance.

Isn't she a yoga instructor or something? It's kind of her job to be super thin and limber.

I think people my age (OK, Spencer is probably like 8 years younger) should really retire the "I hate kids" phrase. I think what most of us mean is that we don't relate well to kids, we don't feel comfortable around kids, other peoples' kids having meltdowns in public or kicking my airplane seat annoy me, etc… When

I do. It doesn't strengthen your case to anyone else on the jury, but LJ and Jefra may well take it into account.

I think everyone but Kass has a shot against Tony, but Tony would be slight favorite against Woo and Trish.

Was that when he got pissed off because Terry said he thought it was more important to see your wife or your kid than your Mom? If so, I was 100% on Terry's side, though I thought he wasn't very diplomatic about it.

Jim is probably on to something, but I try not to judge him based on that outside crap. Kass could spend half her time doing pro bono work for cancer kids and the Sierra Club and everything I love, and I still wouldn't want to spend a minute anywhere near her. I loathe Spencer's politics, but his onscreen persona is

I agree. I think he and Russell are both just assholes, but Brandon needs help.

He's fine with their smiling, but only if it's because they're pulling themselves up by their bootstraps. No handouts for freeloaders!!!!

So you're saying she freely admitted she was a lawyer?

I think Tony will put it on the person he most wants in the f3/f2, so he may just go with Woo or Trish if either seems in danger. His strongest play is probably to help Kass to the end with him, but I don't see him helping her.

I realize Sarah isn't a Tony fan, but she locked horns with Kass so much after the merge that I think she dislikes Kass more. When I add that to the fact that Morgan hates Kass even more than Sarah, and is good friends with her, I come up with two "probable" Tony votes. When I look at the other side, I really only see

She hasn't been the absolute greatest player, but she's been solid, and she's in a demographic where Survivor constantly fails. I also think she's smart enough to improve a lot in another attempt.

Reading his bio, he sounds like way more of a Friedman/Hayek guy than a Keynes guy (I know Hayek and Friedman are not quite the same, but both are far tot he right of Keynes).