
Selmy was the old badass Kingsguard that was dismissed by Joffrey, who is now with Danaerys. You're thinking of Janos Slynt. Both are worthy Survivor counterparts, but there are so many characters in each series that matching them up could be a full time job.

I also thought he said something to the effect of "it would leave me vulnerable" in a confessional. How could he possibly be vulnerable if he could hold onto it and play it for himself or Becky, depending on who got the most votes? My memory may not be 100% correct though. I actually have the season burned to DVD, but

I'd go for a historical discussion of the TP idol. How powerful is it really? How can it be busted? How did previous people use it? Can it be played on anyone, or only by the person who possesses it at tribal? I thought Yul implied he couldn't just play it on anyone at some point, but I'm not 100% sure of the actual

Damn that twist was awful!

It definitely said after the votes are cast but before they are read.

She has sorely miscalculated if she thinks Spencer has actually forgiven her and isn't just playing nice for the sake of the game. I don't think she even understands the concept of "playing nice".

I stopped watching a long time ago, and then picked up again with HvV. I've recently been watching a bunch of old seasons and I knew who most of the winners were. It didn't hurt things at all for me.

SPOILER (sort of)

Hantz as Littlefinger is brilliant. I think it's Varys in the book who says of Littlefinger: "He'd gladly watch Westeros burn to the ground if only he could rule over the ashes." Sounds like Hantz to me.

I watched Vanuatu fairly recently and I think Twila was far smarter. She didn't win, but I don't think she was going to the end with the womens' alliance. She engineered a flip which got her to the end. She's as unlikable as Kass, but not as dumb.

Reason #173 that Spencer is a million times smarter than Kass: When they were searching for the idol, Kass made the snarky karma comment. Instead of telling her to eat shit, Spencer apologized to her (I guarantee it was insincere). That's playing the game. Smooth things over, never burn bridges. You never know who may

I have to disagree on the back half of the third. It's still awesome. The thing is that the 4th and 5th books are still good, but just bloated. They'll probably be improved by the editing process of stuffing them into TV.

There was an immunity idol in Guatemala that was actually weaker because you had to play it before the vote. After that, it turned into the crazy powerful idol. After that, it turned into what we're used to now.

It's not that flipping is always a bad idea, it's just usually a bad idea. Each flip is evaluated on its own merits and the Kass flip was incredibly stupid for all the reasons mentioned by all the other posters. As for "she has the potential to get there", I'm not sure what show you've been watching or what the color

I've always thought the swing vote is a position of weakness. The fact that both sides think they can get you means that you're not part of the core of either. You're probably in a weak spot on either alliance you choose.

They're both morons.

It's not even remotely similar to Cochran's flip. His flip broke a tie so he didn't have to draw rocks. He was also clearly at the bottom of his original tribe, so being at the bottom of a new tribe wasn't really a loss. He also didn't make it anywhere near the end that year. Kass' flip changed her position from one

According to Wiki, her last name is actually "Bland".

If that was her plan, Kass is even stupider than I thought.

I believe in previous seasons it could not. The person would have to be given the idol before tribal. However, I'm not sure it was ever explicitly explained onscreen. I just remember Yul saying that if he gave the idol to his friend, he would be vulnerable. I don't see how that would ever be the case if he (or his