
Flipping usually puts you at the bottom of your new alliance. So it only makes sense if you're already at the bottom of your current alliance. In Cochran's case, his alliance hated him and he avoided the rocks. I'd say his flip was the best move BY FAR.

That Tyson thing still makes me cringe.

That's how it was for several seasons after Guatemala through the end of Cook Islands.

I'd argue her better play at this point is to get increasingly insufferable so someone keeps her around as the goat.

Aside from making it so that they never get played, they're too powerful. The worst was when Yul rode it straight into the finals (not that I have anything against Yul). Making the final 5 the last time play it and making them play it before the votes are read strikes a good balance. The Guatemala idol was too weak

Terrible play by Sarah and Kass. Sarah had better relationships on the other tribe. Kass had none. Kass is now the 6th seed in a 6 person alliance and Sarah is out. Nice play by Trish though.

Thank you Twitter. That was hilarious!

I may have missed your original point. What I meant is that I think prioritizing A ratings and tattoos is silly. There's a lot more to food/women than that.

As much as I like your snarky posts, I like this snarky comment even more.

Women with tattoos are awesome, and none of the divey taco joints I go to in Redwood City could possibly have A ratings, so I disagree with you as much as humanly possible.

Then he's being all meta and engaging in ironic, hipster douchebaggery. Well played, Ellroy, well played.

That quote stuck out for me too. Even people who advocate policies that are (in my opinion) rather callous towards the underclass usually justify it as being somehow better for everyone in the long run. Just saying "I have no sympathy for the underclass" makes you a real piece of shit.

I don't know how good of a chef Nick is since I could never taste his food. Still, if you gave me a gun with two bullets and put me in a room with Hitler, Bin Laden, and Nick….. I'd shoot Nick twice. He's a dick, and I completely understand why the last restaurant he worked at re-hired everyone but him.

You're right, I should retract that comparison. Trophy Wife is really never as bland as the MJF show, which is the sitcom equivalent of Agents of B.L.A.N.D. I just made the comparison because they're both family sitcoms I gave a shot this year. Still, I'm waiting for Trophy Wife to grab me and say that it's a must

Just to comment on the Trophy Wife thing. Sometimes it's a family comedy as bland as The Michael J Fox Show and sometimes it's a lot more interesting. I'll keep my eye on it to see if it's worth weekly watching, but I'm not quite there yet. Don't get me wrong, it's a million times better than the Fox Show. I'm 100%

While I don't think Sherlock is anywhere near late-Dexter level awfulness, I do like the idea of saying, "he might as well become a lumberjack" to refer to all ridiculous plot points.

Seriously, there is nothing good about SHIELD. It is the very definition of tedious mediocrity. The only award it deserves is "biggest disappointment of 2013".

I'm a bit too late to this conversation, but I think "Pale Moonlight" is kind of a distillation of everything some people think is wrong with DS9, even though it is, in my opinion, everything that is right about it. A lot of Star Trek purists like to see the Federation as a force of good and hope. DS9, and this

Watch Friday Night Lights. She has no chemistry with anyone.

"What are the holidays for if not airing our grievances?" Abbie is obviously as big a fan of Festivus as I am.