
The episode where they all end up in the same place was great. I had to pause it at episode 4 because of work but I cant wait to get home and see how their dinner turns out

Man Ward's whole story arc on IF was so great. Tom Pelphrey did some really great work.

Kinjapocalypse? Did i miss something? What is that?

Man I totally believed Rick was talking about Morty for that final challenge which made the reveal that he was really talking about Noob-Noob all the more hilarious. God damn this show is amazing

Ghost train guy was played by the titan Zavala, erm, I mean Cedric Daniels not Kieth David. That is all

Guys, im out of the country until the end of this week and MISSED the episode, so please, show some compassion and SPOIL ME MY BODY IS READY

RIP My Bran + Meera Ship

Damn right it was. Super excited for S3

Chase's exit was the perfect way to end his arc and I CAN NOT WAIT for next season


Evelyn looked SO SMUG when she was pulling Thea by CHAINS. I HOPE TO GOD that she gets her ass BEAT when Thea gets free. I legit just want to see her fucked up. Seriously hate her hypocritical ass. The actress is pretty good though. That is all lol

But like Vigilante has been gone as long as Pike's been in a coma though…

Chase's "You know damn well who" quote was PRICELESS. What a great villain for a great season

Barry stupid? I dont think we're there JUST yet lol, Have you seen Barry these last 2 seasons?

Apparently their only reason for existence is to fuck with Ollie

Malcolms quote is absolutely applicable to Barry. Just 110%, I've honestly stopped watching this season with the exception of a couple of episodes because at this point his dumb ass decisions are just because plot. Hopefully next season he can pull his head out of his ass and be season 1 great again.

Well it does like all that is left of the LoA is Talia's little splinter group, although between Slade, Nyssa, and Malcolm Im pretty sure they'll be dead soon. I do hope Talia lives though, I htink she could be a GREAT recurring antagonist/villian for the future.

Im a 21 year old dude and I fucking SQUEALED when I saw Slade. Welcome back Manu, cant wait to see whats in store next week.


Honestly I'm not invested AT ALL, but after season 2 Im just so tired of characters throwing away perfectly good relationships for dumb ass shit. I dont need repeats of the Barry/Patty fiasco. I miss season 1 Flash