
But Hannibal never got a single Emmy nod for anything.

At last, a review score that (roughly) matches the quality of this show. Roughly because that plus sign might be a little generous.

My thoughts exactly. If the scene transitions and overlays were my big immediate problem last episode*, inane dialogue and repetition were this week's stumbling block. You summed it all up very nicely.

Holy hell is B a generous grade. Others have covered some of the other major flaws in this episode, but I'm genuinely surprised I haven't seen anyone - be it in reviews or in comment sections - talking about the deeply awful and weird editing and scene transitions in this fucking thing. This was Baby's First After

I only saw the last two minutes or so of this when I switched over in preparation for Hannibal, but I had a good laugh when I heard that the protagonist's full name is "Samson Benedictus Hodiak". That's Hunger Games-levels of ludicrous, clunky naming.

I'll make sure to take lessons on how to be a chill dude from someone who calls "quivering, sanctimonious outrage" on a 3 sentence remark from 3 days ago. Thank you for your lesson in level-headedness.

Go ahead. It's a pity it can be used in so many situations. Thanks, gutless and heartless media that want all the gritty 15-year-old edge of using rape as a plot device without wanting to actually address it.

I was afraid this was going to go for some bad old-fashioned gay panic (i.e. seemingly wholesome family menaced by gay psycho, act 2 twist reveals that the husband really was *gasp* A GAY in college and the creeper is the ex, act 3 ends with a dead gay creeper and the power of denial and a lead-lined closet). I'm not

Is this the line where we can sue Wayward Pines for damages? I would like to report a ruptured diaphragm from all the laughing I did in the last ten minutes, pretty much from the moment the shitty kid got clocked with the rock on.

"Crappy" truck? That thing had AT LEAST five more flagrant emissions test failures in her before she needed fixing.

I booed so loudly when the surveillance volunteer *just happened* to accidentally knock over her drink and miss the resistance (or was it the flock of random kids we'd literally never seen before who suddenly decided they were major characters? Meh, either way) knocking out her camera that I scared my dog awake. This

Given how much I disliked season 3 (and parts of season 2), I don't intend to watch this… but if any of these episodes kills off Floki, I will watch that episode with an unholy glee. Fuck that sanctimonious wife-choking piece of shit.

In my opinion this show was *never* good, but it is now much, much worse than it ever was in the first 2-3 episodes.

If this hot mess gets a second season but Hannibal remains unrescued, I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

This whole series I've been wondering if the reviewers are seeing a version of this show with likeable characters with sensical/consistent motivations, tight writing, no giant blaring plot holes you could drive a truck through (wakka wakka), just… you know, anything remotely good instead of the hot garbage fires I've

If by "astounding final act" you mean "the most contrived moment of tv I've seen all year", then yes, it's absolutely astounding.

God bless, the show seems to have FINALLY made Alana interesting (her dull, frequently frustrating character was one of my few complaints with the series). I'm very pleased about this. I was dreading the possibility of her doing little but moan and groan and whine about having fucked Hannibal because I KNOW that's

Monster is my favorite animated show and Hannibal my favorite live action one, so I suppose I have very predictable tastes.

Yes, and you'll notice I said that. "Each show is judged on their own merits".

I know each show is judged on their own merits blah blah and each critic according to their own tastes blah blah and the grades are made up and the points don't matter blah blah blah. But here I am struck by the cognitive dissonance of an evening at the A.V. Club where this gets a B+ but an episode of Wayward Pines