Henrik Hansen

Dare to be stupid, gentlemen.
Dare to be stupid.

True story: I was stressed and asked the Echo to play relaxing music. First up - Hotel California. "They stab it with their steely knives, etc". Second up - Eleanor Rigby. So, Satanic edgy to suicidal lonely. Neither was particularly relaxing.
Note: if I was doing this as a joke I would have the third piece be

Oh, the patisserie!

I'm…. disabled?



"Shellac is the most flammable substance known to man."

You need to see her in Green Wing. It will also give you unfettered access to Michelle Gomez's wild side.

I was quite happy with Amy Pond and River Song.
The problem with Clara was the whole "companion as mystery" plot. Once we knew who she was she was a lot less interesting.

And her previous Doctor Who connection. (The Eleventh Hour)

No, Nein, Nej, Non, Nope.
You are also quite correct.

I love that this article is posted right next to links for 8 individual Orange is the New Black episodes.

"Dahling, I am packing your Angry Eyes!"

I'm blushing. Thank you.

And what about Magna Carta? Did she die in vein?

Me too. I'd give him the finger any day of the week.

Immigrants… Etc.

Am I…… ginger?

Strike that. Reverse it!

This month I've been reading The Bridge by Iain Banks. It was reminiscent of the movie Brazil (which it followed) but was ultimately more hopeful. My only complaint was the Scottish warrior sequences that we're all written in dialect. They were funny sequences, but reading nearly every work funettically was a bit of