Henrik Hansen

Nope. It's available to download from the BBC store (£9.99) or you can buy the DVD. I have been happily ready to shell out. It's how we get all the other classic episodes, after all. But to find out it's being broadcast for another market, that rankles a bit.

I can't believe they are broadcasting this in America. Here in the UK we have to buy the DVD. (Shakes fists in impotent rage.) And I will, damn it. I will.

I am very relieved that it is finally settled. Excellent work!

I totally agree. Belle's rejection sparked the whole thing!
T'was Beauty killed the Beast.

And I know. For I shall write that time.

Not unlike the 2016 election.

They're Ant Man and the Wasp
Ant Man and the Wasp
One is a genius the other's a cosp (layer)

"Look at your reactions. Your anger." "Search you feelings. You know it to be true."

I watched that one after a successful operation to remove a tumor from my kidney. I absolutely broke down and said to my wife, "I'm going to be all right!"

"Do you have any brandy, worry beads or cigarettes?" "No." "Then I shall have to fret unaided."

"Springtime for Donald and Hilary…."

You had the power to wish one thing out of existence, and you chose the INTERNET?

Did Kevin really see her face? Or was he just messing with her?

I must admit, I never heard the term "gainsaying" before that sketch. (As a boy I thought it was "gay saying." Couldn't work it out in context.)

Sadly for WB, you weren't alone.

Just female? Brandon Routh would crush it.

My toothpaste's called Senodyne
My toothpaste's called
My toothpaste's called Sensodyne
My toothpaste's called Sensodyne

"Don't Stop Me Now" by Queen will always take me back to the Winchester, watching Shaun and his crew bashing zombies.

In Ghostbusters they don't call it schism. They call it slime.

Well done! That puts him in Nidd!