Have A Nice Day

Um, can you just confirm if we'll get any big bang reviews? Please? I was really looking forward to one this week.

Instead of talking about "too many white people" or "SNL isn't funny", . . . I just want to say I'm happy Kate McKinnon's back! Hooray, she is my favorite!

This review makes the episode sound better than a B-. Wonder why there's a disparity?

It's strange because it confused the story. Was this about the guys trying to fix things or Raj's allowance? They committed to neither. Seriously Raj has no obstacles, he lies and gets what he wants so there was nothing to grab onto your attention. And as for begging his parents, this is a show that has a guy who

I don't know if he has tenure, but yeah, that half-plot was kinda strange.

See back then, there was more variety to the jokes and they hadn't been beaten to death.

The problem with Penny and Leonard is on their best days, they seem to be "comfortable" with each other, not intimate. There could have been groundwork in the early seasons - Leonard asking about her day even if he didn't quite understand social politics, Penny maybe watching one of their shows and actually liking it

The whole "brilliant minds can't seem to do anything concrete or practical" joke is funny. It's just tiring when they NEVER get to have a moment of using their brainpower for something. Any project they do predictably fails, it'd be nice to have a few moments where they succeed instead of their intelligence always

Self-centered? She gives up a lot for Sheldon. That Valentine's day episode a couple years back, when she claimed that she was being selfish for wanting to do all the traditional valentine activities - i.e. the VDay she had wanted forever - and gave it all up when she realized Sheldon wouldn't like it is the

It's supposed to be on the wall that we don't see.

Sadly it's a story the show rarely seems to even try with. Although this was the most basic version of it, at least they tried for once and didn't cheaply undermine it at the end like they always do.

Kyle, Amy WAS in The Graduation Transmission. She's in the first scene than promptly disappears, but she's there.

In case nothing happens, here's an impromptu review of last week's episode. The guy's plot we knew wouldn't lead to much (anytime there's a work-related project on the show, there's just a bunch of tedious arguments) although the observation that Howard and Sheldon are domineering is a sound one.

Look if coverage has stopped could you at least something instead of just randomly stopping? I don't see how hard is to add a note saying "not happening, bye" or something like that.

The whole show is structuring their relationship like that. There's no point made that the men are what made the women were like that though, not like the show needs another way to degrade Howard.

Honestly, he gets nothing to work with. In his first few appearances, he was Sheldon's rival and that was genuinely funny because there was at least something to work off. Then they randomly got rid of that and made him a pleasant but banal character with nothing interesting to speak of beyond a few jabs at his

It's not that the Howard storyline was "bad" per se, it was just so bland. I mean, a half-brother Howard never knew about shows up at his door and they do nothing with him. It's annoying because it's a good idea squandered over a bunch of stale jokes we've heard at least 5 times.

She gets worse every season. She started out adorable (early in her run she was my favorite) now it's a hassle to get through one scene without her being mean or dismissive of Howard, because the writers hating actually having to write relationships yet the show acts like it can hold three.

Completely agree with this! I would love a show where we explored a couple that kinda knew they weren't that great but tried their best anyway. But that's not how the writers or Chuck Lorre or whoever view them. That's really the whole story for them, that they argue a lot. So many times TBBT has legitimately

Penny hardly had any "outside friends and interests" to begin with. A couple of episodes with ex-boyfriends, mentioning her acting gig, and working at the cheesecake factory whenever it was convenient. That's it. And yeah, these writers are terrible at relationship writing.