Have A Nice Day

No one should say that you're dumb, an opinion is an opinion! It's nice to see someone say they genuinely enjoy an episode.

Howard doesn't fight for the post, he simply looks on and stirs things up during the only really funny scene of that episode at the end. He even asks them early on if "they" (being the other three guys who have Ph.D.s) are going to be fighting over it.

Agreed we don't see this side often enough. For some reason the writers seem to think it's hilarious to see Sheldon dig his heels in at everything and be an immovable wall of argument. What this episode proves is that Sheldon can be fun as an ally and that is definitely less irritating then him being as stubborn as

They had me for the first four picks and then lost me on that one. I never cared for Mike, he felt kind of mean towards the rest of the cast in my opinion.

First two seasons Monica was great, and seasons 3-4 were very good too. It's when they started scripting her to overreact to everything in a way that required Courtney Cox to overreact everything that her acting goes downhill. Season 5 episode 9 is the exact turning point as after watching tons of reruns I noticed

Let's look at a positive here: For the first time in forever, Bernadette was NOT a raging bitch in this episode! That scene with her singing in the car . . . reminded me of the season 3-5 Bernadette I've been missing. And that she didn't add some cheap punchline to the detail that the best gifts Howard gives her are

Yeah, that's because Seinfeld had the concept of no character development at the core of the show. This is supposed to be a developing family but they only develop when they need to - a shame because when they do get things right they can be so much better than this:(