
Or throw in Volcano. Same year. And with a list that puts Titanic before L.A. Confidential, why not?

2001. And a real treat if you live in Montreal as I do. Oz used the city really well. Too bad the story was just so bland.

Donnie Brasco was so blatantly trying for Scorsese-lite, it's almost insulting.

I'd like In The Company of Men more if it didn't point to LaBute's real-life misogyny, like every single one of his other films up to and including The Wicker Man. Lakeview Terrace may be an exception, though that's focused on race in a stupid, blatant and offensive way. There's a certain religion out there, I

I honestly can't sit through The Fifth Element. It's an ugly, stupid little film. Seriously, the visuals are far from dazzling, their hideous or downright silly looking. Talk about over-indulgence. And you can tolerate Chris Tucker for an hour?

Tell me you didn't put Titanic before L.A. Confidential. That's pure lunacy.

I've seen him twice, and Elvis Costello thrice (once with Allain Toussaint). And truthfully, neither of them have to prove a damn thing, no matter how unsuccessful (the female backup singer thing is odd, and I certainly missed THAT tour) their choices can be. McCartney tells the same jokes over and over during live

So…the 1 in 8 women (and that's just based on those coming forward) raped in the US military ISN'T a major burden and distraction? When you're a US soldier, you see, you can do anything you want….grab 'em by the pussy…

What a sweet guy. I would have loved to hear about his Scream 2 cameo, but otherwise you covered everything I could have wanted to know. Thanks!

Still, sadly, timely.

Great piece - but can we stop this myth Romero came with an appetite for "brains"? They only wanted flesh. Not to nitpick, but brains came with Return of the Living Dead.

It's you haven't seen the two hour documentary hosted by Roddy MacDowall, Behind The Planet of the Apes, it's well worth it.

Hey! Loved the guy since Sneakers. Glad his family is safe. Those two things are unrelated.

A story that few people know - except for those still living who voted for him in elections during which he played up his wartime heroics, saw PT-109 with Cliff Robertson as Kennedy, or heard the Jimmy Dean song about the events.

It's so much fun. You know, I was playing with this guy who was yelling about how great Trump was the whole game. Really annoying asshole. And then, all of a sudden he said, "Dude, Jason's coming, hide. Don't worry I have a shotgun." —————So there's hope.

Why get hung up on the word "loyalty" and not the one "rape"?

I was hoping you meant The Arrival with Charlie Sheen.

Yeah, given that they're breaking it up from just being in the supermarket, I'm guessing they're pushing for multiple seasons.

People actually record NCIS? I thought it's audience was too old to know how to do that.

The biggest problems I've had with this, as well as countless other shows and movies about stand up comedians, is that the audience has to buy that the jokes are actually funny. They rarely, if ever, are. Even Funny People, which mined Judd Apatow and Adam Sandler's early stabs at stand up for material, was only