
I think it's a little bit time to shift the focus. There's really not much more to say than, "Yeah, Bill Maher made a stupid joke and didn't think through using an absolutely horrid word. He's apologized and his future is in jeopardy once again." So it's high time we look at this in a the larger context or just

That's not even close to what I said. I'm not even really supporting Maher, as you can see by actually reading what I wrote. My point was merely that saying something stupid in service of a poorly thought-out joke doesn't even come close to what the right does daily without uttering a single slur. Was it his fault?

Reality is what you read and see documented factually in numerous exposes and documentaries.

To vaguely defend Maher - who the hell says something like, "We'd like you to come work in the fields" without being blind to the racism and exploitation (not to mention murder and sexual assault) in his state in said fields? In the context that line was said, I wanted to call bullshit immediately. Sasse's kids

While I mostly agree, please don't let HBO fire him and turn this into another crusade of his.

Didn't the referee have some songs he wrote? They sounded awful, but it'd be a shame not to include one.

Damn, you're right. I had forgotten.


I have a thing about people lacking eyes - just empty sockets - and there are too many examples to count. The one that immediately comes to mind is in Spielberg's excellent Minority Report, when the drug deal removes his glasses. There's all these CGI tendons inside - HOW THE HELL WAS THAT PG-13?

He's a bit of a ham, no doubt. But he also served as an excellent TV host. Spectacle was great, and when Letterman was undergoing open heart surgery, he was his first host - an episode that also included Mitch Hedburg.

It's awesome he seems to be the go-to comedy news musical guest.

Enjoy. It really can be quite a city sometimes.

There are far too many. I guess, just off the top of my head at 6 in the morning (always a good time to jump blindly into internet conversations, folks!), I really enjoyed Zach Grenier's slimy divorce lawyer on The Good Wife way more than I should have. It's just too easy, there are so many people audiences love to

I think I fell in love early on when I was making out with my girlfriend and "Couldn't Call It Unexpected No. 4" by Elvis Costello came on and she interrupted to say, "Fuck this is good, I've been really getting into Elvis Costello lately." Things got intense after that, though, like most things that get that way, it

I grew up in Arizona, actually. I don't intend to die there, trust me.

Hello, this is Canada speaking. The portion of the country that speaks the way most Americans seem to like to think (lazy Americans, anyway) is proportionally tiny. They're the remote communities and you'd have better luck finding one in an Arizona retirement home where the air cleans up hay fever.

The Philadelphia Story. I don't know, romance is screwy.

Not that it matters here and is apropos of little beyond the mention of Reeves' name, but it's also nice to know that, by all accounts, he's just a really nice guy.

It's odd, one of my favourite conceits (and I think AVClub did a list of these a few years back) is the over-the-course-of-a-day/night scripts. After Hours, Rashomon, American Grafitti, Do The Right Thing. But for those to work, the script has to be taught. I just found Training Day dragged on and on.

Whoa there, cowboy. The formulation was probably the least of your problems with what I said. Also, it was simply being cheeky - which is a thing some people do. So….thanks for your thoughts?