
I never said Trump was a genius who planned this all out. I'm just saying that if Comey did say something suspect in Trump's person (and I'm sorry, he may be smarter than Trump but Comey is really no great shakes), then these thoughts would enter his mind. As for Trump, he was just blurting like an idiot…whatever

I wouldn't bet on it. I really wouldn't be shocked if Trump has tapes, but won't willingly let anyone hear them because there's bound to be tons of embarrassing stuff. Listen, Comey's not such a terrific guy, either. Maybe the president does have something on him. Well, Comey knows that Trump will never willingly

Sean, what's happening to you? You've already sold out to the almighty god of CLICKS and now you're so embedded in your bubble culture that it would seem that you can't see past it anymore.

I run Lamentations of the Flame Princess and they have Specialists, who are basically rogues/thieves. All three of my players chose that as their class. They're shit at fighting and nobody can cast a spell, but they're absolutely the best at getting out of jail when they fail at those things.

You're just trying to corner the international chili market…I bet you work for Soros!

Well yeah, that's generally true, but is AVC anywhere near that, or did Univision simply declare that they needed to see more clicks to justify their purchase?

Yeah, but it's not the first time. I will forever remember the time that he said the reason the site would keep doing Trump stories is because that's what gets the clicks. I know there are bills to pay, but that still came off sounding extremely cynical. Sean has been corrupted by all that sweet Univision lucre.

Either Byron Howard is a very diminutive person or John Lasseter is a beast.

Either Byron Howard is a very diminutive person or John Lasseter is a beast.

Fred Thompson was not made of straw, dingus!

I don't know if I would call her a country singer these days, and she's always been alt-country if anything. I don't want to sound like an MRA, but I do wonder what sort of positive representations of masculinity exist for young boys to identify with. Progressives are pretty down on masculinity these days, but

Maybe I'm missing the irony (wouldn't be the first time), but the lyrics to this song represent the most positive representation of classic manliness that I've heard in ages. I mean, it's unusual enough that I really do wonder if I'm missing a hidden sarcasm in this song.

I think you're looking at this too much from an in-universe perspective. I mean, the diamonds are the "gem matriarchs"…if they're genderless, what's a matriarch? The gems always refer to each other using female pronouns. Part of the point they are making here is why should we assume that a genderless alien species

The beer really brings it all together.

Only if they started that way.

But do you know David?

Armond White is not the critic we need.

You say you were making an idiot of yourself, but I say you were winning a lot of debates.

I appreciate the demonstration of the kind of willfully blinkered assumptions that I'm talking about, but I don't think it's necessary.

I'd like to thank Wack'd for his (her? their?) pitch-perfect portrayal of why Fey and her ilk should not waste their time responding to the internet commentariat. It's sad, because I end up quarreling with these people now, and I'm going to inevitably end up quarreling with the representatives of the upcoming