
Shut up, fish!

Journalists are supposed to provide more than raw information. Context is key. I can't judge her argument from these facts alone. I actually doubt that she can, either. This is breathless rumor mongering for the partisans.

THIS AVClub *cares*!

The key word is that she "thinks" they might be fake. Did she have an independent analysis by an expert in such things? No, she spread rumors based on some speculation from her staff. That's not journalism by any stretch. I don't care what her ideology is…Maddow is a fucking hack.

"There’s no hard evidence here beyond the existence of Maddow’s fake document, but as she suggested in the segment, it’s something to keep in mind."

You have weird recurring dreams, my friend!

I love that you don't just silently note this but comment loudly when they go too far.

EVERYBODY support that…comrade Vogon. Is good idea!

There was only one correct response to this stupid video:

I love a good IPA and even I think this list is tilted a bit heavily to the pale end of the spectrum.

"… and while the gag is a bit more overt than some other New Yorker comics, its simplicity is what makes it brilliant."

Used to be…now it's just zombies.

I thought you had to show damages to win a civil suit. I have a hard time imagining how this would impact her career, or do anything worse than just piss her off.

Yeah, he never clicked for me, either. I can't really say why, but I'm even more at a loss to explain why he's so well-regarded. I'm not dissing the fans, just sayin' (yo).

I thought they said "arming" not "harming"!

It's almost like AVC no longer employs scribes who can write interesting pieces about pop culture, having replaced them with a staff that can't write about politics.

Nothing could be funnier! Or more serious!

Dammit, I believe you and I haven't even heard of these. It's a crazy time to be alive.

SU is probably my favorite show on the air, and may even be my second favorite show of all time.

I'm not into pickles but I've been persuaded as to their importance in certain kinds of sandwiches, especially with pork.