
C'mon, it's 2015, we have to shake our heads at history now that we are enlightened about consent. Interpreting what the words meant at the time they were sung is just rape culture apologia.

Gotta give credit to Stern, that's a great public appeal.

I think the best you can hope for is that the Sanders campaign will nudge the dialog. To be honest, I don't really see that happening, because I don't think he's enough of a threat to Hillary. I do think his candidacy helps to draw attention to issues of class, which is currently a weak point in the democratic party

That's my take, too. He had his powers, and he was pretty explicit about trying to avoid "buyer's remorse." I don't think it was left up for interpretation.

Sure, that would be a reasonable interpretation if this was real life. But the show is clearly trying to make certain points, and this is very much in line with it. Characters point out the same thing (i.e. that he wasn't really experimented on) without it being questioned, and I don't expect to see it come up

A word in what?

Eh don't worry about spoilers…war never changes.

I'm gonna disagree with you in a completely different way from these other folks, and just say you shouldn't invest too much concern in people enjoying a band for the "wrong reasons." It's bad enough to be excessively judgmental about WHAT other people listen to, now you gotta worry about WHY?

Likewise on the thanks for being civil! On some sites, I've been badly flamed for saying things like this in just such a manner. I always try to be polite, and I don't even think my views are shocking in any way. But so goes the internet.

Fuck these police.

The important question isn't whether the film is scary, but whether it tries to be scary. If it tries and fails, then it is a failed horror movie, just like a shitty comedy is still a comedy. I'd say CitW does try to be scary. For my money, it succeeds at that only modestly. The strongest impressions it left me

I thought I heard her say EIGHTY kilos when making the buy. Then she's like "this reminds me of high school" and I'm like holy shit.

Nowhere near as good. Although brutal, it lacked the imagination and gratuitousness of a Banshee fight scene. The fight performance was merely competent. A couple fakey inclusions of wire-fu.

Your satire was far too subtle, because I could totally imagine someone saying that to me without a trace of irony or sarcasm. Still, it's good to know!

Thank you, I fucking loathe the "something, something" joke. It's so lazy.

Just saw this so sorry for the late reply. You realize that your statement is basically implying that everything that comes out of feminism is correct? Can you think of another movement where everything it produces is a perfect artifact of truth? If this movement is so intolerant that you either agree with

Gorilla warfare was a nice touch

I saw the same youtube video of people getting all excited about DD. Personally, I think DD sucks, although I hear they make a solid coffee (not a coffee guy). I'll take the 7-11 donuts over Dunkin, and I won't eat those, either.

It's not just the AVClub. We're definitely in the midst of a feminist moment. I'm conflicted, because I agree with the broad aims of feminism, but I'm not comfortable with all the manifestations…like this.

But the end result is that the best people get criticized and nit-picked and the worst get left alone. It's so much easier to lazily sit back and take shots for a TV show not demonstrating perfect liberal politics than it is for creators to have to navigate the competing demands of network, audience, progressives,